Chapter 9 Touch

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As the marble floor is draped in black clothing, of Regina's office, the pair stir under the large leather coat of Killian's. "You should, consider putting Samantha in school," She suggests. 

"Want me to stick around that long hmm?" Killian asks. "Well you said you wanted to," Regina shifts. "I've taught Samantha everything so far," He said. "Well maybe she would like other kids her age after being under a bubble thirty years," Regina shrugged. 

"That's a good point, you know best," he said. "Well I do have a child too," Regina smiled. 

Killian felt himself ping in his chest, wanting to tell Regina that she had another child, Samantha.  

However, he knew there would be a proper time or a better way to do it rather than after their night of catching up and being romantic. They already had reconnected on a basic and physical level, and how would she even believe him without her own memory? 

He would approach it when it was right. 

"Papa, Papa!!" Samantha comes rushing towards Killian as he steps over onto the ship the next morning. "Well, hello, did you miss me?" he props her up in his arm as she hugs him. "Yes, but I like Bae," She smiled. 

"Gave her that name?" Killian asks. "Well, made more sense than saying when I was Baelfire," Neal said. "Right," he nods. "You knew him when he was little," Samantha reminds. "I did, not as little as you, he could reach the helm at least," Killian smirked. 

"So, good night?" Neal asks. "Yeah, we caught up," Killian hints. "Where were you?" Samantha asks. "Well, Papa was what they call courting," He answers. 

"Is that like courtsy?" Samantha presents. Killian chuckles softly, "No, courting is," Killian begins. "Not what you did last night really, in this modern world," Neal chuckles and leaves the ship. 

"Thanks for watching her," Killian calls. "Bye Bae!" Samantha waves. 

Samantha clutches his shoulders and gains his attention again expecting an answer. "Papa," She repeats. 

"Right, courting," he places her down, and takes her hand. Walking across the deck, he attempts an explanation of typical courting. 

"Courting is taking a grown up, lass in my case, out for a nice evening, and that's what we did." he said. "You and Regina?" Samantha asks. 

"Yes," Killian smiles softly, wanting to tell the child that she was not Regina, but her mother. "Do I get to court?" She asks. "Well, let's talk about that when you're my age," he smirks. "Three hundred?" Sam asks. 

"That works," he smiled. 

Samantha glares at him playfully, and all he can see is Regina

The child was reminding him more and more like Regina everyday. He knew that her hair and eyes must be biologically like her father, but he saw the movements and the attitude of Regina coming through even more after being around Regina again. 

"Well I do have a small announcement, I'm going to put you in school," he said. "What's that?" Samantha quirks.

"Well, it's where you go and learn things, you know like Papa has taught you about stars and all this about the ship, you get to learn other things," He said. 

"But you know everything," Samantha states. "Well, thank you, but I think it would do you good to be with other kids your age, not century old pirates," He said. 

"You don't like me around?" She pouts. "Oh love, that's silly, it's just some days a week, and only until three o'clock," he said. 

"When do I have to go?" Samantha asks. "Well, tomorrow," he said. 

Nerves kept little Samantha up a little later than usual. Killian stuck to his commitment, however, and took her to school at 8 am. 

Samantha clutches his hook worriedly staring at the other kids all going into school. 

"I don't want to," She whines up at him. "Oh come on love, you can do this," He kneels to her level.

"When will you come back?" She asks. "Three o'clock, like I said," He reminds. "You promise?" She asks. 

"Yes, I do," he assures. 

"Hi there, good morning," Regina comes up to them with Henry. "We're having some first day Jitters," Killian tells her. "Oh, that happens, it's okay, you know you get to go outside after lunch and play," Regina tells her.

"Oh, what else?" Samantha asks. "Well, Mary Margaret likes to teach about birds," Regina says. "BIRDS?" Samantha scowls, and scrunches her nose. 

Regina scrunches hers back at her, "I know, but it's sort of fun," Regina shrugs. "Papa," Samantha whimpers. "You'll be fine," He kisses her cheek, "Go on now," Killian pats her behind and she turns to go into school.

"I'll walk her in," Henry offers. "Thanks lad," Killian nods, "Bye," Killian waves softly.

Samantha looks back at him and waves pitifully. "First day's are tough," Regina sighs. "Mmm, alright, you talked me into that, you at least owe me dinner tonight," He said flirtatiously, drawing his hook up her arm.

"I owe you dinner for encouraging you to send her to school?" Regina asks. "Well, however way you look at it," he smirks. 

"You are already becoming a distraction," She scoffs. "I hope you mean in a good way," he smiles. 

"I don't know," She crosses her arms. "I have a town to run," She states. "That doesn't answer my question," he calls from behind her. 

She smirks, but can't help but feel a bit excited, she turns back to him, "Fine, I'll meet you at Granny's, let's not leave the kids out this time," She says.

"I agree, I'll bring Samantha at six," He smiled. "Good," She nods and turns on her heels. Killian licks his bottom lip watching her walk away. 

Keeping himself busy, he figured eventually he would have to find more important things to do during the day, but he would cross that bridge as time went on. 

At three o'clock he was outside the school for Samantha. She excitedly comes to him, "I'm good at Math! And I drew a picture of a horse!" Samantha hands him paper. "Well, a good first day," He smiles. 

"Tonight, we have dinner at Granny's with Regina and Henry, how do you like that?" he asks. "Cake?" She asks. 

"Well, since you had your first day of school, I say why not," he smirks. 

At six o'clock, Killian heads into Granny's. It's bustling with most people from town not wanting to cook and Samantha spots Henry first. 

"Well did you have a good first day?" Regina asks. "Yes I did, she didn't talk too much about birds," Samantha states. 

Killian laughs and sits in a both across from Henry. "So my Dad says you taught him poker?" Henry asks. "Don't you dare," Regina scolds Killian preemptively. 

Killian smirks. 

"Oh! My hand," Samantha gasps as it lights up. "Oh, it's okay," Regina kneels and takes her hand. 

As she touches the child, a wash of memories makes Regina practically topple over, Killian catches her in time. 


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