Chapter 6 Away

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As the years pass, the Captain and Samantha don't age. Dealing with a six year old for nearly thirty years becomes one of the hardest jobs for Killian Jones. 

The child is mostly agreeable and adores Killian with all her heart, however, she grows frustrated at not getting any bigger. 

The same rules, and same games repeat day after day for Samantha. Killian tries to keep things entertaining as best he can, and focuses on the connection he has with the child. Nothing like thirty years with a six year old to bond as a Father, but it was getting tiring for them both. 

"Samantha, I've warned you twice," Killian scolds staring at the frustrated little girl. Her hands are positioned on her hips and she glares up at him from her small stance. 

"I don't know what you think you're going to accomplish looking at me like that, but it won't get you far." He crosses his arms. "I don't want to Papa!" She huffs and stamps her foot against the floor. 

"Well, I'm the Captain, and I make the demands, and that's the same for a Papa, so it works nicely, so I suggest you do as you're told," He said. "No," Samantha snaps at him.

"You have to the count of three or you're going to find yourself over my knee," he warns the child. 

Samantha's impulsive child demeanor results in her getting just that. Not harshly, but firmly, Killian gives her behind enough smacks to defer her behavior. She's displeased and he gives her some space. 

Samantha pouts, and feels some anger inside her, "Ah!" she yelps feeling a sting in not just her behind, but her hand. 

"Papa!!" she whines. 

"Oh come on now I wasn't overly harsh," he comes into her room again. "Sam?" he worries and kneels to her as she holds up her hand. "It did something," she whimpers and he looks over her hand.

"Shhh, calm down, it's alright," he coos gently. The child relaxes against his chest. "I know this is hard, love, but it's almost over," he assures. 

Meeting Cora the next day, "Storybrooke? Curious name, that's where we're going?" He asks. 

"You'll finally see your daughter," Killian mused. "And she'll finally see hers," Cora says. Killian stands motionless, and faces the Queen of hearts, furrowing his brows.

"What?" he asks, barely getting the words out. "Oh, you may not know, but I do. Samantha, is Regina's daughter," Cora says. 

"How the hell do you know that?" Killian scoffs. "Well the child has that little heart birthmark on her leg like the baby had, and magic tells me she's my granddaughter," Cora said. 

"Regina will welcome me with open arms when she realizes her daughter is coming with me. After she gets her memory back of course," Cora mused.

Flashback-- Daniel's death

"Why did you do this!? We were going to be a family!" Regina cries. "You will be, with Leopold and Snow White and be Queen, as you are meant to be," Cora said.

"No.." Regina's lip quivers. "We have a baby coming," She weeps. "You what?" Cora snaps. "I'm pregnant ! And you just killed the father!" Regina wails. 

"You will not keep this baby Regina," Cora said. "What? I'm having the baby!" Regina snaps. "Oh you'll have it, but you won't keep it," Cora commands. 

Present Day- Cora and Hook

"You took the baby, left her in the middle of nowhere, and erased Regina's memory of it?" Killian asks. "Yes, and she was taken in by that simple family," Cora shrugs.

"She was abused! The mother died when she was still a toddler and the father made her a servant!" Killian snapped. "And then you rescued her, see? It's all fine," Cora shrugs casually. 

"So you knew this how long?" Killian demands. "Oh roughly ten years," Cora states. "And you just wanted to use Samantha to get to Regina?" Killian scoffs.

"Well not just that, but I want to see Rumple, and I'm sure you have your previous transgressions to deal with him," Cora mused. "I've been a father for three decades, I don't care about the crocodile," he scoffed.

"Well, are you going to continue to pout about this? Regina deserves her daughter now don't you think?" Cora asks. "Yes.. you're right, she does," Killian said. 

"Good," Cora smiles. "We meet in the morning and we have our bean to get there," Cora nods. 

Killian formulates a quick plan. Having been learning about the dark one for centuries, he knew of a few ways to hinder someone with powerful magic. 

Cora was a vindictive woman, and with her knowing Samantha's relation to Regina, and being her grandmother, Killian didn't want the woman anywhere near the little girl. 

As Cora arrives in the morning, she gracefully moves across the deck. "Captain," she smiles flatly.

"Cora," he bows his head, and takes his place at the helm. "Bean please," he holds out his hand. 

Cora places the shining bean into it. 

Behind Cora, Smee splashes a vile of liquid onto her. Killian grins, as the squid ink makes her completely immobile. 

Her eyes widen at him, being the only body part able to move. "Sorry it had to be this way, but I made a vow that no harm would ever come to that child," Killian leered over her. 

"I do this because I should have done it when Regina asked me to the first time, goodbye Cora," he drives a dagger through her.  

Killian tosses Cora into the sea, and then the bean in front of him into the water, creating the portal. 

Samantha finally makes her way up to the deck, "Papa? What's that!?" She gasps at the portal spinning in the water. "That, is way for us to get somewhere love, you just hold tight to me," He says maneuvering the ship into the portal. 

In Storybrooke

Regina Mills takes Henry, her adoptive son, near the docks to have a chat alone on the brisk fall day. Not dressed in nearly the complicated attire she once wore in the Enchanted Forest, she's still poised and stern in her movement. 

"So do you forgive me?" Regina asks pleadingly. "Yes," Henry nods. Regina smiles weakly and touches Henry's face with her palm. 

They're interrupted by Henry seeing a large ship coming into the bay. "Mom? What's that?" Henry asks. "I don't know," Regina sighs, shaking her head. 

As the large ship docks, Henry stares at it like any young boy would. "What the hell?" Regina scoffs. 

"Who is it?" Henry asks. As Regina sees the familiar man in leather, she sighs. "Captain Hook." 

He's not alone, and Samantha comes to his side as he makes his way down the plank onto the docks. 

Regina stands up, furrowing her brows. "You're Captain Hook?" Henry asks curiously. "Good observation lad," Killian nods.   

Meeting each other's eyes, Killian stares at the Queen, "Captain," Regina utters in disbelief. 

"Your majesty," he says, with a flirty smile. 

Samantha looks up at him, "Oh! Courtsy," she says, and cutely curtsies to Regina. 

Regina stares at the small girl, taken aback that the Captain has a child. 

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