Chapter 38: I'm coming Home

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I jogged up to the door and took out my phone from my pocket. It was six a.m on the dot. I opened the door and the scent of pancakes hit me. My aunt was in the kitchen doing her thing while I went to get a glass of water. Her phone rang and she picked it up from the nearby counter.  Once she saw the caller she went to the living room. I didn't bother to hear what she was saying but the fact that she kept on glancing at me with fear made me suspicious.

"Um ......Roxy dear they're some people who want to talk to you." I walked over to her and the first that ran into my mind was someone who was related to the tiger warrior and wanted to threaten my family and friends. His followers were mysteriously growing; the serpent, Dr. Minyak ,' the Green Arrow' and goons. I took the phone from her hands and said,


"Oh sweetie it's so good to hear from you. I've missed you so much." I almost dropped the phone at her voice.


"Yes and Dad's here too." My father said from the background. I didn't know what to say. Scream at them for making me  come here? But I actually loved Swellview now and my job. I had amazing friends. Another shocking thing was that I had a boyfriend. I smiled. I couldn't believe Henry forced me to be his girlfriend. But I wasn't complaining about it anyway.


"I'm here. How's Zambia?"

" It's great here." My mom answered.

"I found an albino tiger on the border of Zambia and Mozambique. It has pink eyes." My father said excitedly from the background. If this was his way of saying sorry for forcing me to come here and for not keeping in touch with me for three months and a half, then he better try again. I didn't say anything.

"We'll talk more later. We just wanted to tell you that we sent you an air ticket to your aunt's address so you could stay with us during winter break. Isn't that exciting?" She said in an overly excited tone.

"And the best part is that you don't have to suffer the cold and harsh weather there. It's night over here and it's hot. I'm literally sweating." My dad added. I almost dropped the phone by  his words. I was going to Zambia. I was taking a plane to Zambia.

"Roxy?" My mom called.

"That's great. Bye." And I ended the call. I'm going to Zambia.

Jasper stopped by our house as it was the last day of school. We had walked all the way to Henry's house to get him too and now my friends were chattering excitedly about what we were going to do during the break. I smiled at what they were saying and did little contribution to the conversation. I didn't want them to know about Zambia because I didn't know how to break it down to them. I didn't know  what  to feel....when I first came  here all I wanted  was to go back to Zambia. But recently....

"Trash get out of my way." Blaire Winters said as she passed between us with her pretty barbies. I moved because I really didn't care about her right now.

"You do know she just called us trash." Jasper said as he tapped my shoulder. I pushed his hand off.

" Yeah I heard. I just don't have the energy to insult her." I said as we continued to walk to school with Henry and Charlotte ahead of us. Jasper looked at me like I had grown another head." Is there a problem?"

"No, no of course not." He said in a joking tone. We walked to our lockers. Everyone was celebrating and I wished I was to. I opened my locker slowly and stared at it. I felt Henry's eyes on me so I started to take some of my books for the two lessons we had today.

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