Chapter 13

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Precious in mm

Sneak peak


I didnt hear a word Drey said to my mom. I didn't want to hear her in pain.

I started to cut the pear to add to my spaghetti and tomato sauce. I knew its sounds nasty As fuck but I guess when your pregnant you want to try out new things.

I moaned as I chewed what was in my mouth. The taste was so nice it's unbelievable.

"You alright?" Asked Drey. He came down with sweat beading down his forehead

"Yeah I'm fine" I smiled

"I got you some clothes and some shoes it's in my car" I never even knew this household owned a car.

He gave me his keys and walked back upstairs. I continued to eat for a few more minutes before deciding to go.

I grabbed the car keys and walked outside. I unlocked the car and grabbed the nine bags that were inside

"Need help ma?" I heard a voice behind me ask. I turn around to meet with a light skin dude.

"Yes please" I smiled as he took some of my bags and followed me home. I placed the bags in the living room before leading him out

"What's your name?" He smiled showing his golden grills

"Prec... La'Rae" I smiled knowing that I wasn't precious "You?" I asked quite in a hurry

"Loco, but call me Omar"

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