Chapter Seven

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“Tamaki, does she know that you brought her this time?” a voice muttered.

Mariko groaned and rolled over. She just wanted to sleep. She didn’t even know where the voice was coming from. She didn’t roll over onto a bed. It was onto something else. Something that definitely wasn’t a bed or a pillow.

Her eyes gently opened and she sat up. She wasn’t on her bed. She wasn’t even in her room. Instead, she was in a plane, flying through the sky. Her eyes flickered around the plane. It wasn’t her family plane, but it wasn’t a commercial one. Seven people watched her. The seven people that made up the host club. Kyoya sat on a chair in front of her, while her brother sat next to her.

“Brother, where am I?” she asked, softly, trying her best not to look at the window.

“I was hoping you would sleep through this part of the trip,” he muttered. “We are going to Okinawa for a small holiday. I didn’t tell you about it because I knew you would refuse to go on the plane.”

Mariko nodded, her eyes focused on Tamaki’s face. She hated planes. The sound of the wind rushing past the plane. The turbulence that happened in the air.

“Mariko, just keep your eyes on me. Don’t look out the window,” Tamaki told her, soothingly.

The small girl’s eyes dropped to her lap. She took deep breaths to try and calm her racing heart. “How long is there left?”

Tamaki’s eyes left his sister and he looked at Kyoya. He didn’t want to tell the truth to his sister, but he couldn’t lie.

“About an hour,” Kyoya mumbled, loud enough for Tamaki and Mariko to hear.

The small blonde gulped. She couldn’t stay on this plane for another hour. It was bad enough that Tamaki had brought her on this plane in the first place. She shook her head violently and lifted her legs to her chest, rocking in her seat.

“Stop it,” she said. She didn’t care if the others heard her. She didn’t want to be on this plane any longer. “Stop the plane. I want to get off it.” Tears began to brim in her eyes. “Stop it please. Please big brother.”

“Mariko, I can’t stop the plane. It’s not our plane. It’s Kyoya’s,” Tamaki told her. “I’ll see if we can speed the plane up, but I can’t stop it or Kyoya’s family will be suspicious.”

With that, he stood up from his chair and walked to the front of the plane. Tears started to spill over Mariko’s eyelids and she continued to rock herself. Kyoya pursed his lips, watching Mariko. He placed his black book on the chair next to him and stood from his chair. Mariko’s violet eyes looked at him in confusion through her tears. He stepped towards her and sat in Tamaki’s chair.

He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her towards his chest. Her shaking slowly faded and her hyperventilating stopped. Only her tears kept falling onto his shirt.

“It’s okay, Mariko,” Kyoya whispered. “I promise you that nothing will happen while you are on this plane. Just focus on something else.”

And Mariko did. She tried to go back to sleep, but she couldn’t. Instead, she sat with her eyes closed and listened to Kyoya’s heartbeat, letting it drown out the sound of the aeroplane.


The seaside breeze hit Mariko’s face, leaving her with a smile on her face. She sat on the edge of the rock formations off the coast. She was metres above the ocean which lay below her. She could see everything up here, from her brother flirting with all the girls to Haruhi collecting crabs and seashells across the beach.

Mariko just sat alone, at peace. She had changed into a white sundress when they arrived, leaving her blonde hair splayed out around her shoulders. Tamaki had packed her flute for her, along with most of her sheet music, but she couldn’t be bother playing right now.

“Hello Mariko,” a voice said from behind her. “What are you doing up here?”

Mariko looked over her shoulder to see three girls standing behind her. She was surprised that they knew her name; she thought she was just a part of the background. The small girl just shrugged and looked back out at the ocean.

“We saw you and Kyoya yesterday at the club. You looked very cute together,” one of the girls said; the one with dark brown hair.

A deep, red blush covered Mariko’s cheeks and she dropped her head to look at her lap. She wasn’t used to people talking to her, especially when her brother was around. Everyone preferred talking to Tamaki, more than his almost mute sister.

“Hey Haruhi, look up here,” one of the other girls called, looking down over the edge of the cliff.

“It’s dangerous. Be careful,” Haruhi told them, looking up at the four of them. “Mariko, does your brother know that you’re up there?”

Mariko just shrugged and closed her eyes again. She drained everything around her out, letting the sound of the ocean breeze rushing echo through her ears. It wasn’t until she heard a voice next to her, a voice that she had never heard before. That was when she opened her eyes.

“What’s with this one? Is she deaf or something?”

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a man. He wasn’t supposed to be here. That was for sure. Behind her, she could hear Haruhi yelling at him to leave her alone, but he didn’t. He grabbed Mariko by the waist and picked her up, as though she weighed nothing. He held her in front of him and looked her up and down. Mariko just squeezed her eyes tight, wishing for him to leave her alone.

“Whatever. This one isn’t worth it, she is barely even pretty compared to the others,” he spat.

Then he wasn’t holding onto her, but her feet weren’t back on the cliff. She could hear people calling after her. Haruhi, Tamaki, Kyoya, everyone. She opened her violet eyes and sucked in a breath. She was plummeting towards the ocean below the cliff. A scream was ripped from her. She was going to die. The water below was filled with rocks. There was no way she could survive.

And this time, there was no-one to catch her. No-one to save her. She was a goner.

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