Chapter Two

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Mariko followed her brother around their mansion of a house, begging him to allow her to go to the host club after school with him.

“Please Big Brother, why can’t I come with you?” she begged, sitting across from him in the lounge room.

Their father was sitting in his arm chair meters away from the siblings and was silently reading his newspaper. It was the morning after Mariko had wandered into the host club and she wanted to go back.

“Why, Mariko? Why do you want to come back to it?” Tamaki asked, annoyed.

His sister had been going on about this for the past hour and it was starting to tick the sixteen year old boy off. He sometimes wondered how someone so quiet, could be so annoying at times.

“Why don’t you want me to come?” she retorted.

“Mariko, you have no reason to come.”

“Big Brother, please,” the young blonde begged. “Father has agreed to it.”

Tamaki turned, shocked, to his father, who paid no attention to it.

“How could you agree to that, Father?”

“It will help her make some friends, that’s why I agreed,” their father told Tamaki, not looking up from his newspaper. “So just agree to it and leave for school already.”

Reluctantly, the blonde boy agreed to Mariko coming to the host club with him and left the house. Hopping in their limousine, they headed in silence to school.


Mariko silently moved through the crowds of people filling up the Ouran Academy corridors. Today, she was actually wearing the proper uniform and her waist long blonde hair was left out, creating a curtain around her pale face. She slipped through the door into her classroom and sat down at her desk. Pulling out her sketch pad, Mariko flipped to her latest drawing.

Minutes flew by and the classroom was slowly beginning to fill up. The young blonde took no notice of this until two orange haired twins surround her desk.

“Hey look Kaoru, it’s our new toy,” Hikaru said, smiling mischievously.

The two both leaned on the edge of Mariko’s desk, waiting for her to respond. The young girl just continued to sketch, spreading her hair more around her face. She hoped that they would just leave her, but that never happened. One of them stole her sketch pad, whereas the other tilted her chin and brushed the hair out of her face.

Every girl in the classroom was squealing, wishing that they were in Mariko’s position. Any normal girl would be blushing and freaking out inside, but Mariko was staring straight at the boy, showing no sign of emotion.  The blonde girl had no clue which one of the twins she was staring at, but she didn’t exactly care at the moment, she just wanted for them to let her go.

“Kaoru, let her go, it’s obvious she wants you to stop,” a familiar voice told the twin off.

After Kaoru let go of Mariko’s chin, the young girl turned to look at the person who spoke. It was the only sane, normal person of the host club, Haruhi. He was sitting in the space next to Mariko, smiling kindly at her. He somehow managed to get Hikaru to give back Mariko’s sketch pad and to get the twins to sit down. The problem was they didn’t leave, Kaoru sat on the other side of Mariko and Hikaru sat on the other side of Haruhi.

The teacher stepped into the classroom and shooed the students to their seats. With one last smile, Haruhi gazed to the front of the classroom.


Mariko sat in the corner of music room three, not drawing or reading, but silently doing her homework. Her brother and the other hosts did their… whatever it is they actually do. She still didn’t quite understand the whole thing that her brother participated in. She was curled up in a ball, taking a break from her homework, when a girl with a pink bow in her light brown hair, jumped on Mariko.

“What is this? There is a girl with no host,” she yelled, though it wasn’t loud enough for anyone to hear over the noise. “What is your name? And who would you like to be your host?”

Mariko just stared blankly at her, though this quickly annoyed the overly-bubbly girl. She shut Mariko’s book and read the name off there. The only thing was that all her workbooks had ‘Mariko S’ written on them, not her full last name.

“Okay then, Mariko, I’ll just decide for you. You really don’t look like the type of girl who would go the mischievous type, the boy lolita type, the strong silent type or the natural type. More like a cool or princely type of girl. Who do you like better?”

The young violet eyed girl just shook her head, trying to signal that she liked neither.

“Fine then, I’ll just choose Tamaki for you,” the girl said.

Mariko continually shook her head over and over again, as she was dragged over to Tamaki. He spotted them coming over and asked for his clients to be patient for a moment.

“Renge, what are you doing?” he asked, slightly bothered.

“She doesn’t have a host, so I choose one for her, that being you,” her annoyingly cheerful voice said.

“Well, that would be quite awkward,” Tamaki told her, bluntly.

Renge tilted her head to the side, confused, “Why?”

“Because she is my sister,” the blonde boy mumbled.

“Excuse me?” Renge asked.

“She is my sister,” Tamaki repeated, much louder.

This caused all his clients to turn around to watch the trio and caused the same reaction from the twins to happen to Renge. The downside to this was that all of Tamaki’s clients all wanted to hear more about the infamous host’s sister. They pulled her into the middle of them and asked her many questions, all at the same time. Mariko felt extremely awkward between all the girls and their never-ending pile of questions.

“Ladies, Ladies,” Tamaki said, calming the girls down after noticing his sister’s awkwardness. “Mariko doesn’t speak to many.”

“Oh, that’s sad,” the girls sighed, giving a sympathetic look to Mariko. “Does she speak to you, Tamaki?”

“Yes, though I am the only person she does speak to,” he told them, stretching the truth a fair bit.

Mariko sent a look at him and rolled her eyes. She knew her big brother, always stretching the truth. For the rest of the host club, Mariko was forced to sit, squished between the girls, watching her brother perform his weird act and answering questions about Mariko for them, lying a bit here and there, and also stretching the truth a bit too much.

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