Chapter Twelve

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Hey guys, I hope you enjoy this chapter. I just wanted to say that I have entered this story in the OHSHC Watty Awards within the Kyoya category and it would mean so much to me if you guys went over and voted for me and Silence is Golden.
Thanks so much, enjoy chapter twelve of Silence is Golden.

Hikaru slammed the bedroom door behind him, as he stomped into the room. He was the only one of them that Mariko had reacted negatively to. He ripped his tie off and threw it angrily on the ground. He had locked his feelings about Mariko's reaction away, hiding them from the rest of the host club. But now, at home, he let them loose. Anger bubbled over him and his vision was coloured red.
Mariko trusted everyone else in the club, even Kaoru. So why didn't she trust him? Hikaru tugged angrily at his hair and fell back on the bed with a thump.
"Hikaru, there's no point in getting pissed over Mariko's reaction. None of us understand the reason for her reactions," Kaoru told him gently, stepping into their bedroom.
"You can't speak. She trusts you obviously, that's why she didn't react," Hikaru hissed.
Kaoru walked and sat next to Hikaru on the bed. He threaded his fingers through his brother's hair in an attempt to calm him down. Hikaru opened his soft brown eyes and stared into his brother's.
"How do you know she doesn't trust you? She just might not recognise your touch," Kaoru offered, trying to settle Hikaru's racing mind.
"She recognises yours and the rest of the club's, why not mine?"
  Kaoru bit his lip. He had no idea on how to answer his twin. He had no ideas on why Mariko's reaction occurred. Hikaru sighed and reached up to lace his fingers with Kaoru. They fell silent, focused on the connection of their hands and the bond that was joining them together.
Tamaki sat on the edge of Mariko's bed at the Souh Estate. It was cold and still, just like the air filling the room. Her pale pink sheets were pulled tight across her large bed, wrinkled only where Tamaki sat.
Mariko's pile of stuffed animals sat in the corner with their large, blank eyes staring at Tamaki. Now that Tamaki thought about it, he didn't really know what his sister's room looked like. Whenever he ever came in here, it was to see Mariko. It was only now that he notice the wall above Mariko's desk that was dotted with pictures and drawings. Slowly, Tamaki stood to his feet and moved towards the walls.
A smile lifted onto his lips. A majority of the pictures were of Mariko and him, but the one that stood out the most was framed. It was a photo of them with their mother. Mariko would of only been three years old at the time, but she already had blonde hair that reached her waist, while Tamaki would've been six. It was taken just before his grandmother forced him back to Japan. His smile wavered as he remembered Mariko's reaction when he was pulled away from their home. He shook his head to wipe that memory from his mind and he turned his eyes to gaze at the drawings on the wall. Most of them were of fictional, made up characters, but one caught his attention. Eight figures covered the page; a pair of red haired twins, a short boy hugging a stuffed bunny with a hand on his shoulder from the tall boy standing next to him, a girl with short brown hair, a boy with a black book in his hand and glasses covering his eyes, and finally, a short blonde girl being hugged around the shoulders by a taller blonde haired boy. It took Tamaki a moment to realise that it was the host club. In the bottom corner of the page was signed Mariko's name and written in cursive under the feet of the host club was Ma Famille, 'my family' written in their first language of French.
A tear slipped from Tamaki's eye, as he studied the drawing. He reached over the desk and unpinned the drawing off the wall. He slid it into his pocket and turned towards the door.
"Perhaps she needs a reminder to help her wake," Tamaki muttered under his breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2015 ⏰

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