Chapter Four

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Okay. First off, I am sorry that this has taken forever to upload, but I was struggling with what to do and school was being a pain. Second, thank you all so much for your thoughts on what to do with this story and after much thought, I have figured it out. Silence is Golden will have a completely made up plot, but there will be a few episodes mixed in, but only a few. For example, this is one of the episode based chapters.

I hope you like the new chapter of Silence is Golden. Leave your thoughts on the chapter in the comments. I love reading all your comments.

"Come on, Mariko," a highly annoying voice whined. "Wake up; we're going on a field trip today."

Mariko just groaned and rolled over in her large bed. She had been up late doing a project and now all she wanted to do was sleep. Unfortunately, her brother failed to understand that and continued to shake her, as he had been doing for the past five minutes.

"Mariko, wake up," he continued to whine, giving up on the idea of shaking and collapsed on top of her.

The young girl sighed. "Brother, why can't you just leave me be? I don't want to go on your 'field trip' or whatever it is. Anyway, I have school and so do you."

"We don't have school today, it is a study day. Now open your eyes and get ready for our field trip."

Mariko refused to open her eyes, but she smiled when she felt the weight of her brother lift off her body. However, that smile quickly disappeared when the blankets covering her small body were ripped off her.

"Tamaki, leave me alone," she yelled, sitting up and glaring at him. "I'm tired, just leave me be."

The blonde haired boy had loosened his grip in surprise of Mariko's outburst. Grinning, she pulled the blanket from his hands and covered her body in it, closing her eyes in hope of sleep. Fortunately, she got what she wanted and her brother didn't disturb her anymore.

"Fine, if that's how you're going to be," Tamaki muttered just as sleep caught up with his younger sister.


"Tamaki, remind me again why you brought Mariko?" a voice grumbled, waking the small girl from her slumber.

Her violet eyes groggily opened, before they were met with a blinding light. Immediately, they squeezed tight. A chuckle travelled through the air and met her ears.

"I see sleeping beauty has awoken."

Mariko opened one eye to look around her. She wasn't in her bedroom; that was clear. There was no blanket covering her body, but she wasn't freezing. Metres in front of her were two incredibly familiar boys.

"Brother, where am I?" she softly asked, sitting up so she could get a better view of everything.

She didn't know where she was, but it was obvious what it was. Around her were pools of water, trees and bushes, exotic birds and animals; it was like a tropical forest. She had been sleeping on a lounge chair, similar to the one her brother had been laying on seconds ago. Tamaki was now walking over to his sister, leaving Kyoya to watch in slight amusement.

"Tamaki, where am I?" the small girl asked again, her voice was soft, but stern.

"You needed a break and I didn't want you to miss out," Tamaki blubbered out at once, nervous under her gaze.

Mariko didn't speak, just glared at her brother. She was half-glad that he considered her and still let her sleep, but she just wanted to be left alone for the day, left alone to relax with a book and sleep. Her eyes lifted to Kyoya, the glare still on her violet eyes.

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