Chapter 32

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Vince's POV 

Hours passed and i knew something was wrong. I finally hear someone come open the bunker and i see cameron and jasmine. 

''where's ben and blake'' i said 

''leah you can take hayden upstairs'' ben said 

''where's mommy'' hayden said 

''she will be back'' jasmine said and leah picked up hayden and went upstairs. 

''where is she'' i said 

''we don't know'' cameron said 

''what do you mean you don't know!'' i yelled 

''when we got there we saw bodies on the ground and ben and blake were talking to them and all of a sudden me and cameron lost consciousness'' jasmine said 

''when we woke up we saw some of the werewolves that attacked were dead and the guards that were at the boarders were unconscious as well and woke up when we did they remembered nothing'' cameron said 

''who the hell were they'' i said 

''they had a familiar smell'' jasmine said 

''like i have smelled their scent before'' she said 

''they said that some of their family had died at the hands of blake and bens parents'' cameron said 

''theres alot of different packs that want revenge'' jasmine said 

''but them i know exactly who now'' jasmine said 

''they are dangerous'' jasmine said 

''so are we'' i said 

''no they have witches which explains us being knocked out'' jasmine said 

''they are called the epivitores'' she said 

''the hell is that'' cameron said 

''it's stallions in greek'' she said 

''they call themselves that because they are fast in and out because of the witches'' jasmine said 

''well they aren't the only one's that know people'' i said and i walked out and i looked at leah. 

''i need to go meet with some people'' i said and she nodded.

''don't let her out of your sight'' i said and she looked at hayden. 

''trust me i won't'' she said and i chuckled. 

''smart ass'' i said and i gave her a kiss and i walked out of the house and i took off. 

Blake's POV 

I woke up drowsy and i saw nothing but white. It was so bright i thought i was dead and in heaven. I fully opened my eyes and i saw people sitting in a different room through a glass window. 

''welcome'' i heard and i looked over and saw ben still waking up. I looked down and we were tied up. 

''we have lost many pack members over the years at the hands of their parents'' someone said 

''today we take our revenge back'' they said 

I saw someone grab a scalpel and i knew immediately. 

''no!'' i yelled 

''he knew nothing'' i said and cried. 

''it was me i knew i knew about the sanctuary i knew about the werewolves it was me it's me that you want'' i said 

''very well then'' he said and he cut me open and i screamed and ben woke up. 

''ben no'' i said 

''don't look okay'' i said and i looked at him. 

''LET HER GO!'' he yelled and struggled to get out of the restraints. 

''hey'' i said and i felt the guy cut me deeper and i held in my scream and looked at ben. 

''im okay just look away'' i said 

''i can handle it'' i said and i saw the tears in his eyes and he was still trying to get out. 

''look away'' i said and i felt another cut. Ben looked away and i looked at the guy. 

''go ahead'' i said 

''but you will not lay a hand on him'' i said and he cut deeper and i groaned and kept my scream in. 

Cameron's POV 

I felt something in my stomach and i felt uneasy. 

''what'' jasmine said

''something isn't right'' i said 

''what'' jason said and i felt pain I started screaming because the pain felt like knives going into my stomach. 

''what's going on!'' leah yelled 

''oh my god'' jasmine said

''what'' i said and groaned. 

''you are feeling some of what blake is feeling'' she said 

''and you only feel part of it'' she said 

''if this hurts me like hell'' i said and groaned. 

''i can't imagine how she's feeling'' i growled in pain. 

''i want them dead'' i said and i felt another pain wave and leah took hayden upstairs and i put something in my mouth to hold back the screams. 

Blake's POV 

''that all you got'' i said panting. 

''you are one tough wolf'' a guy said walking in and i felt my blood drip off my body onto the floor. 

''enough!'' ben said 

''leave her alone and do me she's been through enough!'' ben said and they moved over. 

''no!'' i yelled. 

I saw them prep him and i tried to get through the restraints. I felt so much pain going through my body it was starting to make it unbearable..........

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