Chapter 24

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Blake's POV

''when hayden was born she was everything to me'' i said 

''my world stopped when i saw her in my arms'' i said 

''she was alive for five months until they came'' i said and he looked at me.

''i was sleeping and so was vince rogues attacked we never saw it coming'' i said 

''vince told me to run with hayden and i did when i was at the hill i saw them rip off his head.'' i said 

''Thats when i was tackled and hayden flew from my hands and a rogue caught her with his mouth and ran off. I was fueled with rage and i shifted and ran after him but i was too late.'' i said 

''i ran back to the camp sight to see everyone dead'' i said 

''they took vinces body they took most bodies'' i said 

''i grabbed my stuff and this picture and i searched the whole island ben'' i said 

''they were gone'' i said and he hugged me. 

''hayden'' he said 

''hayden jasmine peterson'' i said and he smiled. 

''she was gorgeous'' he said and i nodded.

''she was'' i said 

''when martin came back he came at the right time'' i said 

''i was going to kill myself'' i said 

''i lost someone i loved and i lost my baby girl'' i said and i cried. 

''i lost you i lost jasmine and i was alone'' i said 

''i was bleeding out when he came and he saved me'' i said and i wiped my tears. 

''thats what these are'' i said and i rubbed off the body make up and he saw two long scars. 

''i survived obviously and got stronger and then we set up to come home'' i said 

''i never told anyone but martin'' i said 

''he found me and i owed him that explanation'' i said 

''he helped me through it and i got better'' i said 

''how come when you shared memories no one saw that'' he said 

''i left it out'' i said 

''i controlled what i showed'' i said 

''when we killed mom and dad i felt like those rogues'' i said 

''blake they were horrible people'' he said 

''we went to their level'' i said 

''what makes us any different'' i said 

''so many things'' he said and he hugged me. 

''i wake up some nights hearing her cries'' i said 

''hearing vince saying he has it'' i said and smiled.

''i loved her more than anything'' i said and he rubbed my head. 

''i have lost so much ben i can't let myself lose jason or cameron'' i said and he nodded.

''it's time to tell everyone the whole story'' he said 

''i can't'' i said 

''when you are ready'' he said and he got up and he helped me up.

''but you should tell jasmine'' he said 

''i know'' i said and we walked home.

I saw jasmine and she hugged me. 

''you okay'' she said 

''can we talk'' i said and she nodded and we went up to my room. 

''what is it'' she said and we sat on my bed and i gave her the picture.

''that beautiful bright eyed baby in the middle'' i said 

''that was my daughter'' i said and her smile fell.

''was'' she said 

''she died'' i said and she hugged me.

''she was five months and him thats vince'' i said 

''he was the father'' i said and smiled 

''he was also amazing'' i said 

''him too'' she said and i nodded

''they were killed right in front of me'' i said 

''oh blake'' she said 

I told her the story and she cried. 

''im so sorry'' she said 

''you went through your own hell i am so sorry'' she said 

''im okay'' i said 

''her laughs her smile was all him they were like twins but she had my eyes'' i said and smiled 

''but i saw alot of him in her'' i said 

''her name was hayden jasmine peterson'' i said and smiled and she looked at me.

''she had my name'' she said and i nodded

''you are my best friend of course you were part of it'' i said 

''she was beautiful'' she said and hugged me. 

''she was'' i said and sighed. 

''who have you told'' she said 

''martin of course and ben'' i said and she nodded

''i just told him when he came to find me'' i said 

''she would have been an amazing part of the family'' she said and i nodded

''damn right'' i said and chuckled.

''are you gonna tell cameron'' she said 

''he told us what happened'' she said and smiled 

''i don't know'' i said 

''maybe when the time is right i will'' i said 

''that's a long time from now though'' i said and she nodded and i layed down. 

''i need sleep'' i said and she layed with me and ben walked in. 

''you okay'' he said and i nodded and cameron came in. 

''that's my cue'' jasmine said and she pushed ben out. 

''can i lay with you'' cameron said and i nodded. 

''we can take our time'' he said as he layed next to me and covered us up. 

''good'' i said 

''get some sleep'' he said and i smiled and i fell asleep in his arms............

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