Chapter 8

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Blakes POV

I woke up and today is the day we have a press conference announcing my parents death. I sighed and i got dressed in some black clothes. Any wrong movement. If we don't look like we are grieving enough or are grieving too much it's eyes on us. I got some red dye and mixed it in with eye drops and it created a slight shade of pink. I grabbed it and went downstairs. 

''alright'' i said 

''big show today'' i said and sighed and put the drops on the counter. 

''two drops in each eye the red dye will irritate it and also make our eyes look a little red to look as if we had been crying we will need to put it in every two hours just to keep up with the redness we will have our funeral created to family only along with the rosary and all'' i said and he nodded. 

''jasmine help yourself to anything'' i said and walked out. 

The driver opened the door and me and ben got in the car. 

''thank you'' i told the driver. 

''no problem ma'am'' he said as he shut the door. 

''so what the hell are we gonna do'' he said 

''after the will is read to me and you vipers move in on housing they are a on the run pack because of my parents and thats not happening anymore there is a off closed section i know about they can stay there for a while they will take off the jackets and cover up their viper tattoos to blend in then we build the pack house and other housing a bit far away we buy up a clearing safe for where the werewolves can run and shift and be able to run free.'' i said 

''you've planned this'' he said 

''this is just with my half of the shares'' i said 

''of course i would use my half but what would it go to'' he said 

''once we sell a couple companies because being in the spot light for us is too much we will have millions coming in that sanctuary that we have im thinking we burn it down and never look back on it'' i said 

''but as for your shares you can help build a school for the kids a hospital me and you can half on the school for kids will go up to grade eight then they can choose to pick any normal high school as long as they can handle their wolf side'' i said and he nodded.

''and you have told alpha'' he said 

''in some ways yes i told him before the test and he said to tell him the rest later if i passed and well we are busy right now doing this'' i said and he nodded

''the thing is after all of this we are getting out of the public eye'' i said 

''how though'' he said

''where ever we go there will be paparazzi'' he said and i sighed.

''the only way to forever be out of the public eye is to'' i stopped

''disappear'' he said 

''we will figure it out after this'' i said and he nodded and we arrived at the conference. 

''lets do this'' he said and we put in the eye drops and i looked at his eyes. 

''perfect now a little of this'' i said and grabbed red lipstick and put a dot on his nose and mine and rubbed it around to make it look like we had been rubbing our noses with tissues. 

''lets go'' i said and we got out of the car and were led to the stage. 

''everybody welcome the daughter and son of Mark and Lily Ramirez'' the host said 

We walked onto the stage and we got to the podium. 

''good afternoon everyone.'' i said 

''i was gone for so long i was alone and scared and when i finally got home i thought i was safe and sound and got to be with my family'' i said 

''but as of last night my father and my mother have passed away.'' i said and gasps filled the room. 

''my father got a bad case of the flu and my mother cared for him and she was not cautious and got sick as well.'' i said 

''me and my brother were out getting food and we came back to cops surrounding the house and they were the ones to tell us they passed away'' i said and tears fell down my face. 

''im sorry'' i said and stopped 

''me and my sister will be arranging a funeral for our mother and father and it will be secluded to friends and family only thank you'' ben said and he hugged me and we walked off stage and got back into the car. 

''bought it'' i said 

''bought it i believed that was the real story for a second'' he said and i shook my head and wiped my tears. 

''keep the drops we will need them for the funeral next week'' i said 

''so quickly'' he said 

''yes we are rich if we had it any later it would be weird.'' i said and he nodded. 

We went back home and walked inside to see jasmine's parents waiting.

''um'' i said 

''mr and mrs logan what a surprise'' i said and she hugged me.

''we are so sorry for your loss'' she said 

''we know how hard it is to lose a loved one'' she said and i sighed.

I turned and saw jasmine and she stood frozen knowing they heard her walk in and the logans turned to only gasp.

''guess i have to explain now'' she said and sighed.........

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