Chapter 31

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Blake's POV

I woke up the next day and I sat up on my bed and I saw rose petals. I was confused and I got up and I followed them. The house was quiet like no one was here. I followed the petals downstairs and I saw cameron. 

''what's this?'' i said 

''i want to apologize'' he said and he grabbed my hand. 

''i am so sorry for things I've done and the things that i have said. im sorry I've been an ass and i sincerely apologize for everything i have accused you of and i shouldn't have put that on you'' he said and he pulled me to the kitchen and i saw about a dozen bouquets of roses and sunflowers.

''ben told me some of your favorites and i thought these would be pretty together'' he said 

''i also talked to vince and he made me see things from a different perspective and i get it and of course you and him will be close no matter what he's the father of hayden and i have to respect that'' he said and i smiled 

''thank you for understanding'' i said and he smiled and i gave him a hug. 

''be an ass like that again and i will bite your ear off'' i said and he chuckled. 

''i wasn't joking'' i said and his smile fell. 

''oh'' he said and i gave him a kiss. 

''thank you though'' i said and smiled. 

''it means alot that you did this'' i said and he smiled. 

''where is everyone by the way'' i said and his smile got bigger. 

''outside'' he said and we walked outside and i saw everyone standing there. 

We walked out and everyone was holding a white paper. 

''what is this'' i said they all flipped it over and i read it and i looked at cameron. 

''what'' i said 

''marry him mommy!'' i heard and i saw hayden with a big smile and i turned back to cameron down on one knee with a ring box in his hand. 

''i have been waiting for my mate almost my whole life and i know we have had a bumpy start but i only want things to go up from here'' he said and i smiled. 

''so blake ramirez will you marry me?'' he said and before he could open the ring box i kissed him. 

''yes!'' i said and he chuckled and everyone cheered. 

''you didn't even see the ring'' he said and i smiled

''i dont care'' i said and he smiled and kissed me and hayden ran to me and i picked her up. 

''MOMMY IS GETTING MARRIED!'' hayden yelled and we laughed 

I looked around at everyone and i smiled i was happy and then a feeling hit me. Panic. 

''vince'' i said 

''grab hayden'' i said and he grabbed her from me and i looked around. 

''take her inside now'' i said and cameron looked at me. 

''what is it'' he said 

''everyone shh'' i said and i got down on the floor and listened and i heard rumbling. 

''lock down'' i said and looked at ben. 

''LOCK DOWN NOW'' i yelled and i heard a bomb go off. 

''its at the boarders'' i said ben linked all the guards andi linked everyone to go into their bunker. We build bunkers underground in every house as a safety precaution and it fits up to 20 people just in case others were there. 

''take hayden inside the bunker and keep her there and do not come out until i come and get you okay'' i said and looked at vince. 

''promise me'' i said and he nodded and i looked at hayden.

''mommy'' she said scared. 

''hey'' i said and kissed her forehead. 

''mommy will come back okay'' i said 

''pinky'' she said and held up her pinky and i locked it with mine. 

''pinky'' i said and smiled and vince and leah ran to the bunker with her and i looked at ben. 

''lets go'' i said and we shifted and ran to the boarders. 

We saw some bodies on the floor and i saw about ten werewolves. 

''who the hell are they'' jasmine linked 

I walked up with ben and two werewolves walked towards us too. 

''what are you doing here'' i linked. 

''we are here because we are looking for blake and ben'' they linked and i looked at ben. 

''we are right here'' i linked. 

''your parents killed some of our people'' they linked. 

''we had nothing to do with that and can you not read news papers they are dead'' ben linked. 

''does not mean we have let it go'' he linked. 

''blake knew for six years before she took action and in those six years thousands of our kind were killed and you and her are just copys of what we really are'' he linked. 

I growled and stepped up and ben stopped me. 

''what do you want with us'' i linked. 

''your life'' he linked and then i heard thuds and me and ben turned around and saw jasmine and cameron on the ground. 

''NO!'' i linked. 

I ran towards them and i saw nothing but red. 

I bit into a shoulder and sunk in my teeth and ripped a chunk out and i saw someone lunge at me and i tackled then and they bit into my side and i bit into their neck and ripped their throat out. 

I saw ben fighting too and i saw someone coming at him from behind and i ran and i tackled them down and i pinned them down and right when i was about to bite everything went black.......

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