Boss Levi x Worker Reader ~ Secret Santa (Modern AU)

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Requested by NirikshaTelang

Just letting you know, I tried something out for this one. It's gonna be like reader-chan's diary, so it'll be in first person. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Hope you like it. And don't forget to vote, comment, and follow (I follow back!)

~Chrissie-chan <3

December 21

Man, am I tired. Today was so busy at work.

I work at a tech help line, where people having tech problems call in and we help them out.

So, every year, we do a secret Santa event. Initially, I wanted to pick my boss Levi who demands to be called Mr. Ackerman, because I really like him, but, I'm not so sure anymore if I really do want to get him a gift.

Levi is super strict and scary, and I'm terrified at how he'd react if I drew him.

Wish me luck, because we choose tomorrow.

December 22

All I can say is, "shit."

You know how I didn't really want Levi? Well, I got him. And I don't know what to get him.

I know he's a clean freak. I could get him a broom, or some Tide, or laundry detergent?

No, that's stupid.

He always wears cravats. I could do that. But what if he doesn't like it? I'm seriously stressing out right now.

Anyways, everyone has to bring gifts tomorrow since we all have Christmas and Christmas Eve off.

Hopefully, I can come up with something good before then.

December 23

So, I'm just writing in a quick entry before heading off to work.

I came up with a great idea, and I think he'll love it.

Now, I'm just stressing out about what I'll get. Okay. I'm screwed.

December 23

Oh. My. Freckled. Jesus.

Secret Santa went amazing! You'll never guess what happened (obviously, diaries don't have brains).

So, I get to the office and everyone's already there. The people who participated were me, Levi, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Hanji, and the CEO, Erwin.

We got started. I'm not sure what everyone got, but when it was Levi's turn to open his gift, my heart started pounding a mile a minute.

He opens the box, which I wrapped to perfection. Dreading his response, everyone sat at the edges of their seats, extremely curious as to what he got.

Levi smirks slightly and pulls out the gift I gave him. He shows it to everyone, and for the first time, I got to see Levi laugh.

You see, I got Levi a dartboard. But the dartboard came with something. I printed up pictures of Eren and put a roll of tape into the box.

This way, Levi could stab Eren without really stabbing Eren.

Eren's reaction was priceless, too. Levi shot him a look and he ran away. It was hilarious!

But then it was my turn. My present was the biggest one there, which scared the crap out of me. It was around my height and the ends were slightly larger than computer screens.

When I open it up, I see Levi's face. My first thought; what the actual fuck.

Hanji comes up, pulls it out and says something like, "I know this is supposed to be a secret, but I got you this pillow. Everyone knows you like Levi, so now you can sleep with him every night. It's life sized, too!"

My face turned totally red. It was so embarrassing.

Levi looked at me and asked me if I really felt that way about him. Trying to play it off, I shrug, but he counters by saying, and I quote, "I wouldn't mind if you liked me. I like you."

At that moment, my insides started exploding like fireworks!

I'm still pretending I'm not into him like that, but you know, he's Levi! Someday... Someday we'll be together...

Hey guys! Hope you're having a great holiday season, and if not... sorry... Anyways, sorry this is short. I've been working really hard on "Listen up, Brats." Which by the way, came out today. If you wanna read the first three chapters, you can find it on my profile. I hope it lives up to your expectations.

Question of the Day:

What did you get for Christmas?

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