Twin! Levi x Reader ~ Meet My Parents

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Yay! So finally, it's a continuation of the 5th one shot in this book. Sadly, there won't be much mention of Adam in this one, because the dinner takes place at reader-chan's house with only your family and Levi. Just for story purposes, you either don't have any siblings or they are out. Either way, there won't be any mention of them. Sorry for the long A/N!

~Chrissie-chan <3


After last night at Levi's house, you were prepared for the worst.

Knowing your mom, she would hound him with personal questions. Personal questions.

Knowing your dad, he would probably hold a shotgun to his head and give him the third degree. In fact, he was probably setting up an interrogation room right this second.

Levi drove, and you sat in the passenger seat next to him. For the first ten minutes of the drive, you were completely silent.

"____," Levi said, almost like he was demanding you to respond. "Hmm?" You replied as if nothing was wrong. He saw right through it. "Okay, stop acting, ____, I know something's bothering you. What is it?"

You sighed and rolled your eyes at him. "There's nothing wrong," you chirped, scoffing. "He rolled his eyes too. "Whatever, ____."

For the next few minutes, complete silence filled the car yet again.

Levi finally spoke up. "Calm down. Nothing's gonna go wrong. You're always so tense, it makes me worried."

"How'd you know I'm worried?" you questioned defensively.

"You're tense, I told you. Your shoulders especially. Relax a little, why don't you."

You did as he said. "Okay Levi, but how do you know nothing will go wrong?"

"You mean like last night?"

Obviously like last night. "Yeah, I guess."

He chuckled softly. "Nothing like that will happen, okay? Adam doesn't know where you live, and you don't have a twin, right?" Levi asked reassuringly.

You nodded. "You're right, Levi. I'll stop."

"Good, you were making me worried."


You and Levi get out of the car and start walking up to your (house color) house.

You sigh and knock on the door. You wait for half a minute and impatiently knock again. After a little longer, you were fed up and started pounding on the door repeatedly.

"____, calm down!" Levi told you. He grabbed your arm to make you stop. Sighing, you bend down to dig the spare key out of the dirt in one of your plants.

You unlock the front door and walk in.

"Mom? Dad?" you call for your parents. "Where the hell are they?"

You pull out your phone and dial your mom's number.

After a few rings, she picks up. "Hi, ____, what's up?" "Mom," you said irritatedly. "Where are you? Did you forget about dinner tonight?"

She faked a laugh. "Maybe I did. I'm getting groceries to make dinner as we speak."

"Okay, mom, I'll see you soon."

"Alright, see you then."

You hang up.

"So what now?" Levi asks.

"I guess we just wait."

While you waited for your mom and dad to get home, you and Levi just sat on the couch in the living room. You rested your head on his shoulders and he wrapped an arm around you. All you did was talk about random crap, work, friends, things along those lines.

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