I'm so sorry...

5.6K 59 8

Wow... it's been years since I started this book. This book is unequivocally the most popular one I have published, sonI am making my announcement here. I am officially retiring from fanfiction writing. It used to be a fun hobby for me, but that's all it was. A hobby. Some of you will be disappointed about this, and I get it. The person who wrote these short stories is a completely different person than who I am now. To some of you, this may not be a shock. Seeing the views on this (132k as of now), I am shocked as well. I still enjoy writing here and there, and I've been working on a couple new projects. I am sorry to say that neither are related to a fandom whatsoever, nor will I ever go back to that world. Some of you have been such devoted fans of this work and I really appreciate it. If you want to unfollow me or leave a hate message, go for it. If this work was interesting to you, then you may enjoy some of my new ones coming out in the next couple days. Thank you again for all of your support, and I love all of you. Feel free to message me about anything as I will not be answering comments on any of my currently published works.

Much love and thanks,

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