Chpt. 24👑

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We haven't spoken about what happened in a week, every time I tried to talk about it he would just leave or change the subject. "You've been very...distant" I said walking in our bedroom "Just working" I could tell what happened with his mother broke something in him "Well when are we gonna spend time together?"
"We are" I sighed "We aren't and at this point I'm not happy" he groaned and started putting on his shoes "Sorry to disappoint you...if you not happy then just leave" he started walking out the door.

"Your leaving again?!" He just kept walking
"Seriously Quincey" he stopped walking and turned "I don't even know why we're like this right now, your acting like I'm not here, like I did something to you and that's not fair to me" he just huffed "I know you didn't do anything to me Deity ight, I'm just working damn can I do that or Do I have to ask your permission every time I leave?" I shook my head no and put my head down "Okay then" he left.

I decided to go to jasmine's house since she was my only friend "Hey" she let me in and we went to her living room "I'm sorry I just needed to get away" she waved me off "girl please, your my friend so your always welcome...what's going on?" I sighed getting comfortable "Quincey is being a ass and he's never home since his mom took his dad side instead of his and I know I'm suppose to be there for him and that's what I'm trying to do but he treats me like I did something wrong" she grabbed my hands "Take a breath hun" I took a breath feeling emotionally drained.

"Do you and Devon argue?" I said when she came back "Yeah but nothing too serious and they only ever last 30min or an hour then we talk about it and get over it , I just think you guys need to talk" I sighed "You don't think I tried, every time I try he just gets mad and leaves...we've been arguing all week"
"Well don't give him a option to leave" I laughed and thought about it "I need a drink" she got me a drink and we talked for like 3 hours before Devon came home and basically kicked me out.

I went home and seen Quincey car was there so I grabbed the keys off the hook when I walked in and hid them, yeah I know it's childish but I don't care. "Hey" he was sitting on the couch with hennessy in his hand"Where *hiccup* you been?"
"With Jasmine" he nodded "Are you drunk?" he nodded slightly"Possibly" i nodded "We'll when you sober up maybe we can talk" he groaned throwing his head back "I'm not in the mood" I rolled my eyes "That's the problem Quincey" he got up and I assumed he was gonna leave. He started looking for the keys "Where are my keys Deity?" I just shrugged my shoulders "Bullshit"
"You shouldn't be driving anyways, your drunk" he scoffed "We don't have to talk right now but when you sober up we will" I tried to go upstairs but he grabbed me by the arm "Nah you wanna talk so damn bad then let's talk because you can't seem to let me be, always fucking bothering me" I snatched my arm away " I've let you be for a week Quincey so enough is enough.... Quincey we'll talk tomorrow" I went to walk away again just to hear a bottle break "What the hell?!" I looked at the bottle shattered on the floor and some glass stuck on the wall "NAH YOU WANNA TALK SO DAMN BAD DEITY BRING YOUR ASS!" He yelled "You need to relax" he chuckled but it wasn't like he found something funny....he was pissed  "Why can't you just mine your fucking business?" I was shook at how angry he was but I know it was because he was drinking and I know I wasn't making it better but I wasn't even trying to have this conversation now "Quincey I'm telling you right now to relax before you do something crazy" he stepped to me "Like what? This is what you wanted right? For me to talk" I backed up "Sober, you need to back up"
"or what?" I was scared, he wasn't my Quincey right now, he wasn't thinking straight.

He pulled me to him roughly and kissed me, I tried to push him away "Stop" he wasn't listening "Stop Quincey" he just grabbed the back of neck harder causing me pain instead of pleasure, I could taste the nasty ass Henny on his tongue. The flash back of Jonathan on top of me be forceful came back and I felt like I was back in that I was that girl again "Quincey stop please" he tried to take my shirt off and I panicked so I kicked him in the balls and ran to grab the keys and left.

The tears ran down my face as I drove somewhere, I don't know where I was going but I ended up at the beach which made sense since this was my comfort place, I can't believe he would act like that towards me especially all I've been through....all we've been through. I know he was drunk and I'm trying to remember that but he made me feel like that weak little girl he saved at the party and I didn't like that. I ended up just getting a hotel to clear my head.
"Baby where are you?"
"I'm sorry I didn't mean it"
"Please text me back"
"Let me know your good"
"It's late where are you?"
"You know I would never do anything to hurt you"
"baby, come back so we can talk"
"I love you"

He sent me 20 text messages and called 45 times at 4am before he finally stopped then Jasmine called which I assumed was because Quincey told Devon what happened. I sent a text to jasmine telling her I was fine then turned off my phone, I need to be alone right now....I needed time to think.

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