Chpt. 9👑

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Monday came up faster then I thought and it was probably because I was so nervous about king meeting my family, he's not the usual type of guy I would date but I don't think my family would judge him. "Dinner starts at 7" I was on the phone with King giving him the run down "Dress formal but not like suit formal just a nice pair of pants and shirt also you need to make up a occupation because—-" "baby relax you making a nigga nervous" I mentally palmed my forehead "I'm sorry, I just want today to be perfect"
"it'll be Ight, I'll see you at 7" we said our goodbyes.

I went downstairs to talk to my parents making sure everything was set. " Mom, Dad please just be on your best behavior" they laughed "Why wouldn't we be?" I sighed "Well I just want y'all to like him, " They looked at me in awe "Don't worry bout it sweetheart" my Dad said getting up and kissing my forehead.

I was cooking shrimp Alfredo, garlic bread, and making a side salad, I think king was getting the impression that I don't cook which is completely false because I absolutely love to cook.

At 6:45 the door bell rang and Imani ran to answer the door "Deity your fine ass boyfriend is here!" She shouted and I laughed, King held flowers in his hand  looking so damn sexy and a little nervous at the same time. "I'm Imani, Deity's younger more attractive sister" she said shaking his hands and I rolled my eyes "Imani leave my man alone thank you" I said laughing, I grabbed his hand pulling him into the kitchen to meet my mom and dad. "Mom Dad this is...." I froze because I wasn't sure which name he wanted me to use "I'm Quincey Samuels, nice to meet your Mrs and Mr Carter" he stuck out his hand for my dad to shake and he did , "I brought these flowers for you Mrs Carter" he said handing my mom the flowers and my mom smiled "Thank you hunny and call me Rochelle" she said hugging him.

We moved to the dining room where the food surrounded the table "looks delicious Mrs. Carter" he said pulling out my chair letting me have a seat then taking his "Actually this is all Deity" King looked shocked "Wow babe I didn't know you cooked" he said surprised and I laughed "I know that's why I decided to make dinner tonight"

"So Quincey what do you do for a living?" My dad asked starting the conversation "I'm a auto mechanic" my dad nodded not looking very impressed "Do you make a good money?" I was taken back "Dad"
"no it's okay, it plays the bills so I can't complain"
I smiled as his response "Where are you from?" My mom asked "Compton" my mom stopped eating and also my dad "Compton?! Deity what are you doing in Compton?!" I was shocked by their reaction "Dad relax" he sat up in his chair "Don't tell me to relax Deity, it's dangerous out there" King cleared his throat "With all due respect Mr. Carter, I would never put Deity in harms way" which was true, every time we went somewhere my safety was his main priority. "I don't give a shit, How did you guys even meet if you live in Compton?"
"He was at my birthday party dad, relax you trippen for no reason" my dad sighed "trippen? I'm sorry but he's not good for you, a mechanic in Compton isn't even close to our lifestyle" I was completely shocked at their reaction to judge him like that "Damn" Imani said as she watched this scene unfold in front of us "It's not about where he's from or what he does, there isn't anything wrong with that it's about the way he treats me which is pretty damn good!" I said yelling across the table, little did they know he wasn't even close to a mechanic but my dads head would probably pop if he knew the truth"He can't take care of you with his minimum wage check and busted house" My dad was really going hard on him right now.

As me and my parents argued back and forth, King stood beside me and I could practically feel the heat coming off of him as my father disrespected him and his hometown "I just want what's best for you Deity!" I rolled my eyes "He is what's best for me!" My dad took a deep breath "No offense but I don't see how you pass up every guy in Beverly for a guy that lives at the bottom of the barrel, We raised you in Beverly for a good life and your gonna ruin it for this Deity he's obviously using you for your money" he says pointing to King and He laughed which wasn't a good sign at all "but see I take offense and you not finna keep disrespecting me and the place I grew up, I ain't ask for shit from Deity let alone money cause I make my own shit and I'm good with what I do and where I live" king said. "It's only a matter of time before he uses you and leaves, its probably the same thing his father did to his mother" my dad said laughing.

What happened next happened so fast, King ran up on my father and socked him in the face and my Dad returned one. "QUINCEY NO!" I shouted as they fought, I tried to push them away from each other but that was not working at all "STEVEN STOP!" My mom shouted and Imani began to cry at the scene "QUINCEY PLEASE!" I yelled and he pushed away from my father "GET THE HELL OUT, BOTH OF YOU!" My father yelled holding his face "Steven" my mom said but my dad wasn't trying to hear it "Get out, you're not welcome here" never would I thought my father would put me out ever in my life.

My eyes started watering as I pushed Kings chest back to the leaving room "Are you okay?" He nodded but I could tell he really wasn't here with me "King, look at me I need you here right now" he looked at me and took a couple deep breaths holding his side and then nodded "Can you just wait in the car for me? I need to get a couple things okay?" He nodded again looking at my father in the other room "Quincey please just wait in the car" I said trying to put his attention back on me and he went out to the car.

I tried to grab as many clothes as possible but it was so hard to concentrate as I kept playing the scene in my head, it didn't feel real. Imani came in crying and hugged me "I don't want you to go" she said hugging me tight "I'll be okay little sis, I can't stay here" I said letting go of her and continued to pack. "Where will you go?" My sister said and I just shrugged my shoulders as I finished packing, I knew my dad wasn't gonna let me take the car so I didn't even bother with it and I left without saying a word.

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