Chapter 12: Planning

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Maxons POV

I watch in awe as America gets stuck into planning for the ball. Shes currently across the room from me talking to the designer, flailing her hands as her vision for the decorations come to life.

"Sir", Aspen snaps his fingers in front of my face breaking me from my trance. If anyone else had of done that I wouldn't of been best pleased but Aspen has quickly become one of my closest friends and confident. "Is everything all right, you haven't seemed yourself this morning?" I glance back over at America and he seems to understand.

"Is something wrong with her?", he asks worry evident in his eyes.

"I'm not sure"

"What happened at breakfast earlier, I heard she fainted"

"Is that what people are saying?", I ask curiously with my eyes still trained on her beautiful face enriched with her fiery locks of hair.

"That's what they saw"

"She said she just tripped- blamed it on her clumsiness but she refused to stand on her own for a minute afterwards. She insisted it was nothing but I can't help but worry" I admit to him, it's nice to finally talk to someone about it. Although breakfast was only a few hours ago I've done nothing but worry all morning, though seeing her now all bright and preppy- it would be like nothing happened.

"Did you not get a doctor to check her?"

"No, I knew she would of tried to argue with me, she already insisted nothing was wrong- i guess I have to trust her but I'll just keep an eye on it", he nods in recognition before launching into ball plans.

"So clearly we can't have the entire kingdom in the ball room- so we need a number of representatives from each, to show unity of the castes, I also think the publicity team were talking about the benefits of broadcasting it- again to show unity"

"Yes I think that's a good idea, do you have those in mind you think would be good representatives from each?" I ask inquisitively

"Yes, I have around 25-30 representatives from each Caste. We want as many as possible there and these are the most influential of each caste"

"Great- Make sure you let my team know the list and we'll get invites out as soon as possible"

He lowers his voice to a mere murmur, "and security? How many guards will we need"

"All that we've got- we have no idea how this will turn out, the presence of our kingdom guards will help keep everyone in check. We need one lining each corridor, aswell as the main gates and Atleast 20 situated inside the ballroom- I will not allow any acts of violence to slip past us- especially when America will be there"

"Understood", he nods again and walks away as I turn my attention back to my love, still engrossed in planning...

Later that night

America's POV

As I walk back into the Kings suite (where me and Maxon stay together of a night) Maxon is laying on the bed with his arms behind his head and his eyes closed. He opens his eyes and raises and eyebrow as he sees me walking in.

"How are you so beautiful?" His sudden compliment causes a blush to creep onto my cheeks, giving them a rosy tint.

"Stop it you", I whack his arm playfully as I sit next to him on the bed in my robe. He chuckles lightly and shakes his head.

"How was planning?"

"Good, everything's designed it's up to them now to bring it to life. I hope it's good, I tried to incorporate colours and themes from each caste"

"I'm sure it'll be amazing love, anything you do is amazing" he softly kisses my temple and I snuggle into him, beginning to feel a bit woozy- but I'm putting that down to his smooth talking...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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