Chapter 7: Mr & Mrs Shreave

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My maids quickly help me change into a new dress for the family party we're hosting to celebrate our marriage. It's a light blue which accentuates my slim figure and flows out just where my legs start and flow to my feet. My hair is down now with light curls down my back and I have heals with jewels up the middle.

The bridesmaids insisted that they wanted to stay in their dresses because 'they've never worn anything more beautiful' so I let them.

We make our way down to the ball room where everyone else is. We walk in the doors and my eyes are swiftly met by Maxons who excuses himself from his conversation to make his way over to me. Lucy walks over to Aspen as he reaches me, to give us a bit of alone time.

'Hello my beautiful wife', he pulls me in by the waist and kisses my lips gently. I smile, giddy, at him.

'Hello my royal husbandness' I giggle as he smirks at me with an eyebrow raised.

'How long have you been waiting to say that silly one?', he laughs and I shrug smiling.

'A while', we both laugh. He looks me up and down smiling,

'I swear every time I see you, you get more beautiful', I look down, my cheeks growing a rosy red. He puts his hand under my chin and forces me to look him in the eye, 'don't be so unsure of yourself, your perfect Mrs Shreave' I giggle,

'Ooh Mrs Shreave, I like it Mr Shreave', I laugh.   We hear the music stop and the DJ announcing our first dance,

'May I?', he asks,

'You may', I give him my hand and he walks me into the middle of the hall.

With the amount of practice we've been made to do before this, it feels so natural, I place one hand on his shoulder and the other he clasps with his hand with his other on my waist. We dance to our 'first dance' and I get lost in his clear eyes which never leave mine. After the song finishes he bows and I curtesy, although no cameras are here we knew we should do the traditions properly and for our second slow song other couples join in. 

The night runs away with us with laughs and dancing. There is food spread around but I'm too in the moment to care, I know, that's when you know your truly in the moment when food doesn't consume your mind.

I asked the DJ to put some upbeat songs on that weren't all posh and he finally gave in when I stole his headphones. As the upbeat songs come on everyone looks over at me, who's smirking, they know I'd be the only one to do something like this. As the music fills the room everyone just goes with it and I find Maxon who swirls me around a few times and I teach him the classic 5 dance moves. Aspen sees me and comes over and we dance together, like old times. We end up teaching everyone the silly dances we'd do when we were younger while playing the silliest of songs. I watch Maxon being taught to 'dab' and I laugh, he's so not use to this.

'Maxon!' I squeal laughing, 'Put me down!' He just laughs, not letting me go while running round the room with me above his head. I laugh, I've never seen him like this before, so utterly happy that he doesn't care what he looks like. I put my arms in the air like I'm flying and laugh.


Eventually everyone leaves and me and Maxon make our way up to the King and Queen suite, although we both make our way to the king suite. Were married now so I'm not letting him go just yet. He carries me bridal style up to the room and drops me on the bed smiling mischievously while I laugh. He climbs on top of me and kisses me passionately.

'I love you America Shreave'

'I love you Maxon Shreave'

And he pulls the covers over us and the rest of the night becomes a blur....

Authors note!

Yay they're married! I've read so many interpretations of their wedding before and they are so creative so I tried. I wanted to make it last two chapters so it could be detailed and we could all get a good feel for their wedding day! I also wanted to give it a more modern feel with the 'dabbing' which I can just imagine Maxon doing! Please tell me if you want me to keep adding modern elements or if your not about it so I know!

Hope you enjoyed! :)


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