Chapter 11: Dizzy

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A few weeks later

America's POV

I flush the toilet, close the lid and sit on it with my head in my hands. That's the fourth time I've thrown up this week, what is wrong with me?

Luckily it seems to happen after I've left Maxon in the morning, so he doesn't suspect anything. My maids are concerned that maybe I have an illness but I told them to swear to keep it quiet, if I went to a doctor Maxon would surely find out and he's got so much on his plate at the moment as it is.

I try to be the light in Maxons life, and make seeing me the best part of his day, the easiest. And this would break that and I don't want that. He has so much on his hands, I just want to give him a sense of peace and normality in life and I strive for that daily.

"Miss?", Lucy begins to call me with that hint of stress in her voice that has become normal nowadays.

"I'm fine, I'm fine- just give me a minute", I take a deep breath and stand. Suddenly the room tilts and my vision blurs forcing me to sit back down instantly, with a soft thump on the toilet lid. I let out a small groan, I know something is wrong but there's no point making people uselessly worry, I'm sure it will pass.

Another soft knock raps on the door, "Miss, do you need help?", her voice is soft now, almost pleading. I don't answer and a crack of light enters the room where she gently nudges the door open. "I-I'm so sorry, I couldn't help myself, I'm so worried you've been in there for Atl- OH MY GOSH AMERICA!", she scurries over to me worry and panic washing over her face and setting into her features. I smile slightly- despite my dizzy spell I was still feeling- at her slip of calling me America. It makes me feel normal for a moment and although I tell her to call me my name, shes stubborn and wants to be proper.

"You're as white as a ghost, we need to get you to a doctor, are you okay? Can you stand?", she flurries around me wetting a flannel and gently pushing it against my forehead. The coldness from it helps alert me back to my senses slightly and I sigh in relief.

"That's helping, thank you Lucy", I shoot her a small smile and she smiles back, "No doctors, it's just a phase it'll pass soon"

"This 'phase' has lasted a week now, we need to get you checked out. Plus do you not think people are beginning to get suspicious about the amount of time you spend in your room? You're lucky Maxon is so busy he hasn't noticed yet".

I sighed at that, as much as it was advantageous that Maxon was busy so that he didn't know and worry- it also upset me sometimes, as selfish as it is, because it'd be nice for him to be the one to look after and take care of me. I shake my head, getting rid of the selfish thoughts, I knew what I was marrying into and when I do get his undivided attention it makes it even sweeter.

"Can you stand?", she asks as she extends her hands to help me up, I follow her slowly back to the dressing room where she's already chosen my day dress and has all the pins and makeup ready to help me look presentable. She begins working while I keep my eyes closed- drowning out any dizziness or nausea I felt.

We sat in silence for most of it today- unusual for us- but she could sense I needed it and I also think she wasn't sure what to say as she knew the nagging wasn't getting her anywhere. There's a firm knock at the door which Lucy answers.

"Is The Queen ready? Breakfast is waiting for her in the main dining hall", I recognise the familiar sound of the guard that's normally stationed outside the hall- they must have sent him.

"Almost, so sorry for the delay- we had a slow morning. She'll be down within 10 minutes but let them start without her", I open my eyes to look up at the clock above the vanity and notice it was 8:15, I was 15 minutes late to breakfast, they'd all be waiting for me.

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