Chapter 1: Getting ready

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Americas POV

I wake to the sound of heavy breathing and my fire red hair spread across Maxons chest. I tilt my head to look at him and watch his eyes flutter open, as he sees me a huge beam spreads across his face and I mirror the expression.

I won the selection. I won the princes heart. I won Maxon Shreave.

I never thought I wanted this, I always thought I was destined for Aspen but things change. Fate changed. I loved Aspen. I love Aspen but not like this, I love Aspen as family.

But with Maxon it's a passionate love, one which can't be described. A love so fierce it engulfs your body and mind, makes your heart skip a beat and keeps the blood flowing through your veins. A love so strong it seems impossible, a once in a life time kind of love.

I swing my legs over the bed, slipping out of his warm embrace. He leans on his elbows still on the bed and asks with his morning voice,

"Where do you think your going?"

"To my room, my maids will be mad if I'm late" He gives me a questioning look, "Silly, did you forget? It's coronation day" I giggle and lean over the bed in my silk robe and peck his lips before skipping to my room which is adjoined to his.

I walk in to the maids pacing,

"Oh there you are!" Lucy breaths a sigh of relief, "we thought you'd over slept miss, we were about to knock but we didn't want to interrupt the morning after your first night with the prince" she does a wink and I giggle.

"No Lucy!" I keep giggling, "Were not married yet" I say half scolding, half joking.

"Come on miss, we should get you started we might be here I while!" She states and I look at her and gasp.

"What are you trying to say?" I question, slightly offended. She sits me in the chair and turns it so I'm looking in the mirror and I gasp again. My hair is sticking up in all different directions as if it defies gravity and I have a layer of black smudged around my eyes. Oh Maxon, what do you see in me? I sigh and let her and the other maids get to work while we make small talk.

"How's you and Aspen?" I question her, genuinely interested.

"Good, we're good" she states simply, "He told me he was training to be a guard, so we can be near eachother" all the girls in the room aaw in sync, she blushes.

"Are you excited to become queen, miss" Lucy finally speaks up.

"America and I don't know, I don't think I'll do the role justice" I express sadly, "I'm a five, I'm not up to it"

"You were a five, a five who won the selection and is marrying the prince and became a one, you trained for this and you will be an amazing queen" Lucy argues and all the girls nod.

I smile at them and we sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes until Lucy finally speaks up, "Right, time to get you into your dress"

I take off my robe and she carefully pulls the dress on me and adjusts the fabric and smiles. We have a tradition that I close my eyes while they get me ready so I get to see myself as everyone else does 'a surprise'.

"Right open your eyes" Lucy orders. I open them and gasp at what I see. A girl who looks fierce, my flaming hair cascades over my shoulders in loose curls and my dress is a deep, intimate red. I look like a burning fire. A strong and powerful soon to be queen. My makeup is simple but bold. I look beautiful. I look Royal. I look like a queen.


So that was the first chapter!! I hope you enjoyed it!


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