Chapter 9: The Honeymoon

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'Maxon!', I squeal as he puts the blind fold over my eyes so I can't see where we are. I lean back in the chair and cross my arms, I can't see him but I can imagine the exasperated look on his face.

'Darling, your cute and all but you can't stay there all day', Maxon speaks up after standing quietly for a while.

'Try me', I sass back and I feel myself being lifted from the seat into his arms.

'Let's get off this stuffy plane now, shall we?', he whispers in my ear as he carries me in bridal style, I giggle and snuggle further into his warm embrace.

The fresh air hits me, salty. Salty?

'OMG MAXON ARE WE AT THE BEACH?', I perk up in his arms and he chuckles, 'Can I take it off yet?', I plead.

'Not yet, it'll be worth it I promise', he says. I sigh and fall back in his arms. I sit in silence until I hear a door unlock and shut behind us. He places me down and stands me in front of him, my back against him.

'Okay, you can take it off now', I can hear the smile in his voice as I eagerly peel the mask off my face.

Light forces it's way into my eyes and I'm in a little, well what looks like a cottage. I see the wood walls and eye up a few door ways which I hear towards.

After I've searched around the single floor of the cottage, I walk back to Maxon and wrap my arms round him,

'This is so special', I saw in awe. To most they'd think I like riches and places which cost more than a whole island, but I don't, Maxon knows that. I'm a 5 at heart and I enjoy simplicity. Maxons never experienced simplicity like this so I'm excited he gets a chance to spend time in what I like to call 'my world'.

'You haven't seen the best of it yet', he smirks and opens the door for me and gestures for me to walk out. I walk out and am met by the crashing of waves and sea salt air.

'I've never been this close to a beach!', I say in awe. He laughs behind me as I walk out into the sand. I look around and notice something.
'It's very quiet', I claim and he comes to stand next to me, 'and that's because, my dear, this is our island', I look at him in shock.

'What?' I choke out.

'I bought an island, surprise', he does little jazz hands and I giggle.

'My Maxon always has to go the extra mile doesn't he?', I tease and he beams at me. But it's true, Maxon never does really simple. But I don't mind, it's fun combining our two worlds. I slip my shoes off and feel the sand between my toes. He smiles down at me and I begin to run and soon enough I find myself knee deep in the water, my gown floating around me.

'My dear, did you not want to get changed first?', I roll my eyes at his name for me.

'Why would I? My maids aren't here to scold me for ruining my dress anyway!', I yell back, 'plus you know they're rule about not wearing the same thing twice'.

I turn back around facing the ocean and am met with the crashing of Maxons footsteps into the water. He scoops me up and keeps running until he's waist deep and I'm in his arms. He bobs me up and down so I just slightly touch the water. I close my eyes relaxing before I fall. He drops me in the water and runs off. I resurface and gain my bearings until I see him standing about 10 feet away from me.

'MAXON SHREAVE!', I yell in my most stern voice.

'Yes, America Shreave?', he smiles sweetly. Before he can say anything more I dive under the water. I manage to open my eyes so I can navigate myself to his feet, which are moving in circles as if he's looking for me. I swim to the back of him and wait until I can't hold my breath any longer until I jump up and tackle him. He falls face first in the water, messing up his always perfect hair. He comes to the surface to see me smiling mischievously at him.

'Your gonna regret that', he smiles and I stick my youngest out before turning on my heels and running.

This is gonna be a fun honeymoon...

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