Chapter 10: Simplicity

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America's POV:

I wake to the scent of eggs and pancakes invading my nostrils and I notice the empty space next to me. I smile and snuggle further into the duvet.

Eventually Maxon enters, holding 2 trays.

'For you m'lady', I giggle and accept the tray he holds out to me containing pancakes and eggs on the side. I shuffle so I'm sitting upright and indicate to the space on the bed next to me for Maxon. We eat in serene silence.

'I wish this was an everyday thing', I sigh.

'It can be arranged, I'm sure no one will mind us missing the castle breakfast', he says before biting into his pancake.

'I mean like just us two, you cooking for me, no maids bossing us about, not worrying about appearances', I look down and realise I sound silly, 'sorry it's the inner 5 talking'

'Don't apologise, I love your background and I love how you prefer the simpler things in life, maybe it's opposite to what I'm use to but it's nice', he smiles at me before placing his empty tray beside him on the floor, I do the same.

'I love you', he states simply before crashing his lips into mine...


*A week later*

'Maxon, do we have to leave?', I pout like a baby and he smiles sadly,

'I'd stay here everyday to make you happy, but I have a country to run cherub', I giggle, one of the many things about Maxon that makes me laugh is the ridiculous nicknames he comes up with for me, they're always changing.

'Lucky them, they get your attention', I roll my eyes playfully.

'Hey! Don't be like that, you know that you're my sun, moon and stars, you're the one that keeps my world spinning'

'Your cute'

'I try', he smirks before turning on his heel and walking out with the suitcases. I giggle and follow quickly behind him, bidding the little getaway house goodbye.

Time to go back to normality, or our version of it....

We sat in silence for the majority of the journey home, it was comfortable but I couldn't find the words. Don't get me wrong I love being Maxons wife, I love being with him. But I prefer my Maxon, not King Maxon. He looks over at me and places his hand gently on my thigh and I smile softly, putting my hand on top of his.

'Don't worry, it will be fine. I'll still cook you pancakes' I snort,

'Like that will be allowed', we both laugh but it is abruptly brought to an end when the Pilot announces we are about to land.

'Good to be home', Maxon smiles and I put on my best smile, as it's his home, no matter how unhomely I find it...

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