Chapter 23

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*Emily's Pov*

*Few months later*

Some months has passed during which my friendship with Sil got stronger, but I still haven't gotten that information on mystery guy.

Speaking of him, when he texts me as mystery guy, he is always shy since he is still feeling guilty but when he texts me as his normal self, he behaves normal. It is as if he is bipolar, he is really complicated.

I have also finished the last external exam for high school, so I have only three weeks left till graduation. During the last three weeks, I don't have to go to school since we aren't learning anything again, which means I am already on holiday.

I couldn't wait to see my results one week before graduation, so I used my influence to get the results today.

"Let me see, I am the... 3RD POSTION?!Are you kidding me?! How could I get the 3rd position?! Even in the normal school exam, I get the 1st and sometimes 2nd (if Adam is offering the subject then he gets the 1st position), but now I got the 3RD position. How?! Who got the 2nd position?!" I exclaimed angrily as I saw the results.

I finally calmed down and decided to check who beat me. Surprisingly Adam got the 2nd position.

"Then who got the 1st?" I was genuinely curious now since all my friends were part of the top 10 in exams. Did someone beat them or what?

Turns out the person who got the Ist position was... NICK?! Seriously?! How?! He usually gets the 5th position for the school exam yet for the external exam, which is the main result you will use in life, he got the IST POSITION!

Ok, I need to call down here. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe o- WHATEVER. How can I calm down?! I need to talk to him NOW!!!



Lily: Woah! What happened Emily?

Shawn: Yeah, why are you panicking?

Emily: Have you seen our results?!

Lily: No, not yet. I didn't want to check it now.

Adam: I think I understand what happened to Emily 🤔

Dexter: What happened to her?

Adam: Probably because of her result. I am also slightly irritated with mine.

Ivans: What did you guys get for you to be angry?

Rocha: I would also like to know but please add everyone's results.

Nick: Yep, I want to know it😏

Emily: 😤 Don't even talk, Nick

Nick: Woah! what did I do?🤨

Adam: I think I could be of assistance. The results for the external exam, is as follows:

Nick- 1st position
Adam- 2nd position
Emily- 3rd position
Rocha- 4th position
Shawn- 5th position
Lily- 6th position
Ivans- 7th position
Dexter- 8th position
Dela- 9th position
Queen- 10th position

Shawn: Oh! So that's why?

Lily: Yay, I got the 6th position.😁

Adam: Even though you should still improve, you always get the 6th position😑

Dexter: Awww, I am the lowest out of everyone😕

Ivans: Don't worry, you know we usually get the lowest, bro. We can still advance🧐

Dexter: Of course, let's work on it🧐

Lily: 🤣🤣🤣 You guys are so funny

Rocha: I guess I did well.

Emily: Those are not the main point, didn't you see that Nick got first?!! And yet he normally gets 5th position!

Nick: Well, I decided to work harder this time 😏

Emily: Whatever 🙄

Adam: I have gotten over that loss, even if father may be a little disappointed 😒

Shawn: He loves you, so he won't be angry 😑

Lily: Yep, after all this is the results for the top ten in the whole country 😁

Emily: I guess I also shouldn't be angry. 😪

Nick: Yep, cause you all know I am awesome 😏

Emily: Oh please, as if 🙄😒

Nick: Come on, aren't I awesome? Guys, do you have my back?

Shawn: No, cause you aren't awesome even if you got the 1st position 😒

Lily: I have to agree, Emily is more awesome than you 😇

Ivans: Rocha is always the best, not you 😁

Dexter: Cake is more awesome 🤗

Rocha: I have to say, according to my calculations, since most people voted no. Then you are not awesome.

Nick: You guys hurt me.😥

Emily: Well sorry, not sorry.😏

Lily: Woah! Emily is so cool🤩

Shawn: She just did a normal thing, I don't see why you are so hyper😒

Lily: It is because you don't understand anything.😜

Shawn: Me?! Seriously🙄

The chat continued with them bickering around and having fun.

After everyone logged out. I texted Nick.

Me- Hey Nick.

Nick- Emily darling, have you agreed to be my sister?😁

Me- If I agree to be your sister, will you make me the 1st position holder?

Nick- Depends on if you are a good sister and I agree to tutor you 😏

Me- So you mean I have to be tutored before I can attain the 1st position? 😤

Nick- Yes, but if I tutor you, you will get 1st for sure. 😏

Me- Get out. You are so arrogant 😠

Nick- I am not 😑

Me- You are, now leave me alone

Nick- See us, we are always arguing like siblings 🤩

Me- Just go, you ruined my mood.

Nick- Okay my lovely sister, see you later 😘

Me- Whatever 😒

This guy is so annoying, plus I don't want to call anyone my brother apart from Emmett *sniffs* I miss you Emmett.

To get my mind off Emmett, I decided to call Jay.


"Jay, any info on the number?" 

"Boss, Mike asked you to give him one more week and he would find everything"

"Really?! He has almost got it? That's great! Tell him to keep up the good work, bye for now."

"Yes boss. Bye"

Good, I will soon find out everything. All the messages and clues point to HIM, but there is something I don't understand. So, I just need to wait for one week and then I will get the info, once I get it, I will complete everything.

I smirked before laughing happily.

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