Chapter 15

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^Dexter's pic above^

*Emily's Pov*

When I woke up the next day, which was a Sunday, I did quiet time reading Matthew 24:13- "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved", listened to the Sunday message broadcast, and then told my friends about what happened yesterday.

I also found out about the news that is all over social media, seriously the top news are about me.

I rolled my eyes at the news' exaggeration.

At least I will get more publicity, plus Dad wasn't even sad about almost revealing my identity since he said and I quote "My daughter deserves to be praised no matter what. She is my precious treasure". I don't even know what part of my dad is 'cold', he is too warm and pampering to be described as cold.

But I guess he is cold to others, especially if they try to 'take me away' *chuckles* My dad is so possessive, especially after Emmett disappearance.

I sighed tiredly.

I really want to find him soon.

Today is Monday and I am at school.

Something weird is going on. 80% of the school are wearing hoodies and I asked my friends about it. They said that it is because of the news about Miss IFU chasing someone in a hoodie so people decided to wear a hoodie so that Miss IFU will think they were the person she was chasing.

Shawn and Lily gave me accusing eyes but I decided to ignore it and also ignore the hoodie mayhem that was happening.

I rolled my eyes secretly at the people wearing hoodies and went to class.

*3rd Period*

During the class I was attending with Lily and Nick, I felt a pair of eyes watching me.

I looked back and saw Dexter Lane, the son of the 9th richest person.

I thought back on the information I got about him.

He was the only son of Mr. Lane and was going to inherit his father's business. You would think that he would be very popular, but it was the exact opposite. People don't bully him but they also don't hang out with him. The reason for this is very simple, it is because of his eyes, one is blue and the other is red. People don't like his mismatched eyes so they avoid him since they find it scary but can't bully him because of his influence.

If not for his parents position, the students would have bullied and made fun of him but he has an higher position than most of them and the ones higher than him don't care, so they don't bully him but they also don't hang out with him.

Now, the question is; Why is he looking at me?

I looked at him but he had no reaction and kept on staring at me. It was somehow uncomfortable, so I turned back. Normally, people turn away when someone catches you staring at them, but he seems as though he didn't even realise I caught him.

"What happened, who were you looking at?" Lily asked concerned.

"Dexter. He was staring at me for a while now" I answered keeping a casual face.

Lily looked back discreetly at Dexter.

"He is still looking at you" she whispered.

"I know. This class will soon be over anyway, so just ignore him" I said refocusing on the teacher.

*Lunch time*

I was at my usual table with my friends plus Ivans, Rocha and Nick, they are my friends, they don't know that I am Miss IFU but they know that I am from the 3rd richest family even if we don't talk about it.

We were just having our lunch normally while talking when someone came.

"Hmm... Can I sit with you guys?"

I looked up and saw a guy with black hair and mismatched eyes, Dexter. He was looking straight at me even though he was asking all of us, so that means the question was for me.

"Sure, you can" I said nicely.

I still can't break character anyway.

"Thanks" He smiled as he sat down.

Dexter was a nice guy and a good company that everyone warmed up to him immediately. He was attentive and knew how to associate with others, he even figured out most of our likes and dislikes through just one lunch.

If the other students just tried to talk to him without minding his eyes, he would be very popular. He knew how to talk with others and wouldn't get on their bad sides. He is cool, nice and attentive, he can easily become a leader that others will follow, if they disregard his eyes.

*After school*

I had gotten home about to sleep when I received a message from Jay.

'Boss, please don't forget to come to work'

Even though he said it nicely, I know it is necessary for me to go.

I sighed as I raked through my hair.

I guess I am going to the company then.

I wore a white shirt with straight black skirt and a black jacket.

On my way to the company, I got a little hungry, afterall, I didn't eat anything when I got home.

I stopped by the restaurant near my office, Domain Restaurant.

I entered the restaurant, sat down near the window and ordered coffee and a slice of vanilla cake.

A waiter came in less than 5 minutes with my food. He placed in on the table and I looked up at him.

"Thank yo- Dexter?!"

Yes, you heard it right, I saw Dexter in a waiter's outfit.

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