Chapter 2

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[Emily's POV]

I entered my low-key car which I got since I didn't want others to know I was part of the top 20 richest families. It wasn't too expensive but still something that someone from the top 100 richest would use as I attend Avalanche high school, a school for rich kids, and I don't want them to bully me thinking that I am a poor kid.

Yes, even rich kids bully others. They are still normal human beings but just have more money than others.

Most of the students didn't know my identity while others were guessing due to my surname. Only the teachers and principal are aware of my family status but they didn't spread it around since they didn't want to disturb me. I had also told them not to tell anyone.

I pulled over into the school but remained in the car as hundreds of thoughts flooded my mind.

'Well... it seems like it is time to put my acting skills into action,' I thought as I sighed. 'It is a good thing that people aren't really in this area or I wouldn't have this time to think calmly as myself.'

I looked out the window and then got down from the car after clearing my mind. I looked at the school and sighed.

Today is my first day in 12th grade and I really couldn't wait to finish high school and finally be in university.

My days so far had been full of pretense as I acted like someone I was not. I really couldn't wait to finish high school and finally be myself. I was starting to get tired and annoyed with acting like this because of how some set of people behaved.

I ran a hand through my hair before snapping out of my thoughts when I heard a loud shout.

"Emily!" Someone shouted and pounced on me before I could react.

I stared at the girl with light gray hair and gem-like orange eyes who was still clinging to me and smiled fondly at her.

Who else could it be apart from Lily Ivan, my best friend and also a girl who comes from the 5th richest family?

"Hey, Lily. Do you want me to have an accident on the first day of school?" I asked, faking a serious face as I felt like teasing her.

"Oops! Sorry, I was just so excited to see you again!" Lily exclaimed happily as she jumped around.

"We just saw each other last week," I said blankly and she paused as she seemed to realize her mistake before shrugging it off.

"One week is still too long for me. You can't leave me for one week!" She replied dramatically as she put on a traumatized expression.

"Really? Then what if it was a month?" I asked playfully as I held back a smirk.

"You want to kill me?! I would not survive that long without you around and being stuck with those two boys," Lily shivered as if she just thought of something horrifying.

"Oh, don't be so dramatic. Adam is just a mature guy," I said with a playful smile.

"Yeah, I can still manage him but Shawn on the other hand..." Lily trailed off as she paled at the thought.

"Well, you always get into fights with Shawn after all. What did you expect?" I asked as I rolled my eyes.

"You know it is always Shawn's fault. He just likes annoying me," Lily scoffed as she crossed her arms in front of her with a pouting expression.

"Right. Like I believe you," I said sarcastically.

"Hey, don't turn my words from earlier this morning against me!" Lily pouted more, if possible, as she faced me angrily.

"So you still remember?" I asked with a teasing tone and laughed.

"Of course. It happened just a few minutes ago," Lily replied with a down-to-earth expression.

"True. It wasn't that long ago," I said as I tapped my finger against my chin thoughtfully, making it seem like I just realized that.

"Anyway, all in all, Shawn is cold and unfeeling," Lily said, bringing them back to their previous discussion.

"We both know that is not true," I smiled knowingly as I looked at the annoyed Lily.

"Yeah, I know. He just doesn't like to show his true feelings," Lily said softly as she looked down at the ground.

"Yeah. He is also a lazy guy even though he is smart," I added with a fond smile.

Lily looked up at me and as our gazes met, we both burst into laughter knowing exactly how Shawn was.

I laughed a bit more and smile at how freely we were behaving now. The reason I could behave freely like this right now was that there was no one else around our area and we were out of earshot. No one would find out I was acting out of character. Well, it was only to others that it seemed like I was behaving weirdly.

"Speaking of the boys, let's go meet them. They are waiting for us," Lily said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the school.

"Hey! At least warn me before dragging me!"

"Ok, I am dragging you," Lily said in a serious tone before giggling.

"You were supposed to say it before you dragged me," I corrected, rolling my eyes while trying to keep up with Lily's pace.

It was at times like this that I hated how the school was so big that we had to walk for a long time to get to our destination.

Meanwhile, Lily continued dragging me without a care for my pouting face.

'Tsk. Why doesn't my pout walk on her yet her pouts do wonders?' I thought looking at her before shaking my head.

Lily was truly a special kind of girl.

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