Chapter 7

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[Emily's POV]

My friends and I went back to our class after the break as usual since the school wasn't over yet.

Surprisingly, Nick was in all of my classes which was suspicious as even my best friends weren't in all of my classes. There was a class where none of my friends were which was Music class.

They all had different reasons for not attending the class though.

Shawn felt it was too tiring to stand up and hold instruments while having a teacher talk to him every time. Additionally, he already knew how to play all the instruments taught in our school and so the lessons were of no benefit to him. He usually played music sometimes at home and when he does, he looks like an angel that isn't meant to be beheld with human eyes. So out worldly and ethereal.

Meanwhile, Adam said the class was useless to him as he wasn't planning on becoming a musician in the future and wouldn't have time to play those instruments while managing his parents' company in the future. When he was little though, he had already learned how to play the piano and violin as those were part of the instruments his parents approved.

While for Lily, she was just too hyperactive to calm down and play an instrument. She knows how to play the guitar though since she loves it and she said and I quote, "it fits my inner soul."

I joined this class since I love music and want to learn it more even though I already know how to play most instruments. I am still not as good as Shawn though and this would help me more.

I walked to the door of my music class and crossed my fingers, hoping that Nick wouldn't be at the class too. I stepped into the class and sighed in relief when I didn't see him in class.

I smiled and quickly took my seat as I brought out my music sheets and textbook and set them on my table. I was about to revise my note when I heard a voice.

"Is this seat taken?" The voice said and I turned to see Nick looking at me with this confident smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes inwardly and sighed. This was the last class for the day and I had wished he wouldn't be here. Guess that wish wasn't fulfilled.

"Of course not. You can sit here if you want," I answered with a soft smile. I couldn't let my true feelings show as that would ruin the "good girl" image that I had.

I wish he would just go away and sit somewhere else though but of course, my wish was not answered yet again and he sat down right next to me.

"Thanks. So my name is Nick, what's yours?" He asked as he turned to look at me with that smirk still on his face.

"I'm Emily. Nice to meet you," I answered with a fake polite smile.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful lady," Nick complimented, smirking as he winked.

'Such a cheesy line,' I thought as rolled my eyes in exasperation in my mind.

"Thanks," I simply said with a small smile as I tried to be polite yet send signals that I didn't want to keep this conversation going.

I am usually not this closed-off but I don't like being friends with someone who I hadn't gotten their background checked. They could be a spy and might be my enemy orally so I had to be careful.

Unfortunately, Nick seemed to not get my signal and the rest of the day passed with Nick trying to make a conversation with me. The keyword was "trying" as I only answered him with short answers and since it corresponds with my 'shy' character, he probably didn't feel like anything was wrong. There was no way I would give him any information about myself when he could be an enemy.

When school was finally over, I cheered inwardly as I was finally away from Nick and now with my friends. It was stressful having to continue a conversation you didn't want to.

"So, how was the class with the new boy?" Lily asked concerned since we were still not sure about who he was.

"Wait. You had music class with the new kid?" Shawn asked, clearly surprised.

"Yeah. Didn't you see when he entered the class?" Lily asked in a mocking tone as she rolled her eyes.

"Well, don't tell me you thought I would have noticed him. You know I am not one to be keeping track of people always," Shawn scoffed as he rolled his eyes.

"Yet you know he could be dangerous!" Lily exclaimed angrily.

"Whatever. He can't make any rash actions while we are in school anyway. It's not a big deal," Shawn shrugged as he put his hands in his pocket.

"Even with that, you never know what he could do," Lily said, clearly upset.

Lily usually watched out for anything that could be harmful to her friends so she always noticed some things that seemed minor to others. If she had a superpower, it would be keen eyes. Her friends are really important to her so I am not surprised that she got angry at Shawn for taking it lightly but he was a guy who was too lazy to take anything seriously unless it was something very dangerous.

It looked like a fight was about to break out between Shawn and Lily but thankfully Adam came between them.

"Let's go back to the previous question, ok?" He asked, more like commanded, calmly.

"Right," I quickly said and their attention turned back to me. "I managed to avoid most of his questions by giving him vague answers so he might find me boring and leave me alone tomorrow," I finished hopefully.

"Maybe. It would be good if he does," Lily had a relieved expression and then was back to her usual mood. "Also, we should have a sleepover at Emily's house since it has been a long time since we got together," she said happily with a grin.

'Again Lily, we just saw each other last week. This girl is so clingy.' I thought, sighing in my mind since I knew I couldn't turn her down.

'Time for another sleepover it seems.'

Everyone agreed since we wanted to catch up even though the boys mostly wanted to talk about Nick.

I got home and the maids greeted me before informing me that my parents were at work. I nodded and went to my room.

I changed into a white and black casual gown and just packed part of my hair into a ponytail, leaving behind some hair at the back. I smiled and took a lollipop before settling into my seat to enjoy the flavor as I closed my eyes and relaxed.

Ding! My phone sounded and I sighed and reached over to pick up my phone.

"I still wanted to relax some more before talking to Lily. Well, it seems like that's canceled," I muttered as I picked up my phone but paused when I saw the message was from an unknown number and not Lily.

I rose a brow at this as I rarely got messages from unknown numbers and I didn't remember giving anyone my number recently so this was highly suspicious.

I contemplated ignoring it but eventually decided to read it. I read the message out loud as I was alone anyway and it said:

"I know your real identity, Miss IFU."

Her Secret Identity: Mystery GuyWhere stories live. Discover now