Chapter 10

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*Emily's Pov*

The next day which was a Saturday, I did my quiet time reading Luke 9:62- "And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God".

My friends had left around 10 in the morning even though Lily kept sending messages to me since then, and it is already 12:00pm! That girl is so attached to me.

Anyway, I changed my clothes and got ready to go to my company.

^The clothes above^

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^The clothes above^

I wore a white shirt, black skirt, red belt and a black jacket over my shirt.

'There, that's alright'

I finally got to my company, it's name is IFU, that's where the society got the name Miss IFU from. It was a good thing that they knew I am a female, not male before they call me Mr IFU.

Actually, I did it on purpose when someone was spying on me. I made sure he snapped a picture of my back when I had tucked my hair in my hat and when people saw my figure after the person put it online, they figured out I am a lady.

I entered my company and the staff immediately greeted me.

"Good Afternoon, boss" They all greeted, bowing their heads.

"Afternoon, how are you all?" I asked calmly as they rose their heads.

"We are good boss, thanks for asking"

After that, I entered my personal elevator and went to the topmost floor which was my office.

I got down from the elevator and walked a while seeing my secretary at his office near mine.

The whole floor consists of my secretary, Jay's office, his personal room where he can sleep if he wants to work overtime, my office, my personal room, the receiving room where very important business partners or mostly people who want to get some information that are top secret, and finally a room where my best friends stay when they come to visit.

Jay is a really cheerful guy even though it is not as much as Lily. He is considered a close friend of mine but not as close as my best friends.

"You are finally back, boss! I thought you wouldn't come since you usually come only on weekends and even then you only come once a month. Ahh! The work I do" He was complaining even though he had a smile on his face.

"At least you are working well for the money I pay you" I replied playfully.

"That's why I stick to you. I am expecting another raise in my salary and some more bonuses" He said with a wink

"When was the last time I gave you a raise? Wasn't it last month?" I asked scoffing.

"And when was the last time you came to work? Also last month" He said with a smirk

"Ok, I will give you a raise but you should know that your work will also increase" I said smirking.

This guy likes money, I mean he receives 25 million dollars per month yet he still wants me to increase it.

I sighed in exasperation.

'Ah! The money I spend.'

I entered my office and sat down on my chair. I took the office phone and called Mike, the information manager.

As you know, my company deals with getting information, fighting, hacking, disguising and so on to be great spies.

Usually anything that happens are always sent to my company (since this is the head branch) as I have companies and spies all over the world so it is easy to have access to most information. If the information is deemed important enough, it gets sent directly to me but if it is just normal information, then it is kept for when we have anybody that needs the information.

"Mike, I need you to bring all information and camera footage on the people that bought sims yesterday."

"Yes, boss"

In five minutes, it was brought to my office, after all, my staffs are trained to be efficient.

I went through it and found out that the mystery guy was really secretive and had wore a white hoodie with blue stripes, since we don't have much information, I gave the case to some of my spies in this country to find out.

Now all I need to do is kick back and relax.

Before I could get started on that, Jay entered my office.

"Yes. What is it?" I asked, hoping he would say it was nothing, but of course, when has my wish ever come true?

"Um... You still have some files that needs your approval before the other companies can get started, you can't start getting lazy boss, sorry" He said unapologetically with a smirk.

I should have known that I would not be able to rest in this company, I am the boss yet I have so much work, this is why I don't usually come to the company especially during weekdays after I just finished school. Do they want to kill me from overwork?

I got the files and started working. By 9:00pm, I went home.

At home, I saw I had 54 unread messages. I didn't know since I usually kept my phone on silence during work.

Of course, 39 messages was from Lily who sent useless messages every 25 minutes, 4 from Isa just greeting me and sweet talking me, 4 from Adam asking me to watch my health and not overwork, 3 was from Shawn telling me not to overwork in a roundabout way so as to not seem soft (So cute), 3 from Jay telling me to still be coming to the company and 1 from an unknown number.

Wait! An unknown number, could it be the mystery guy?

It read;

'How was work? Don't overwork yourself, Miss IFU. Ps: I know you are investigating me, it touches my heart to know you want to find me so badly.'

This guy is so full of himself yet he still did the exact same thing he did last time to the SIM.

I am so tired after all that work so I am just going to sleep, I will tell my friends about it on Monday.

I yawned before moving to my bed.

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