Chapter 22

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*Emily's Pov*

I have calmed down now but I can't believe HE is mystery guy, but... I still don't want to reveal him yet.

He must have told me his identity since Nick said secrets shouldn't be kept between friends.

Ouch! That reminds me that I am keeping secrets from them. With what I did, I can't really blame HIM, since he revealed himself while I still haven't revealed myself.

M.G: So, do you know who I am?

Me- Yes, but I have a question for you

M.G: What is it?

Me- Were you pretending to be my friend or...?

M.G: No, I was never pretending, you are really a valuable friend to me and I meant what I said to you.

Me- Ok, I won't tell anyone about your identity then

M.G: Wait! Really?! Why?

Me- Well, you don't have any evil intent against me, all I want from you is to leave this line open. Can you do that?

M.G: Of course, thanks for forgiving me, Emily 😁

Me- You are welcome. Bye for now

M.G: Bye👋

Wow, he is acting like a little child who got a candy, I guess I know the reason. Even though I have forgiven him, there is still something I want to confirm.

I went to IFU, entered my office, and called Mike to come to my office immediately.

"Boss, you called?" Mike asked as he entered

"Yes, I have a job for you" I told him while leaning on my chair

"What is it boss?"

"This number, I want you to find out everything about it and monitor the user" I told him as I brought out mystery guy's number.

"Of course boss" he said as he took the number and left for his office.

I have a suspicion on mystery guy, that I want to confirm. The investigation will surely take long.

I sighed as I slumped into my chair.

I realised I have been sighing a lot lately.

I sighed again in annoyance.

I should really stop that cause mom said if you sigh too much you will get old and gain wrinkles faster.

After working a little bit, I went to Domain Restaurant for some croissants and tea.

After my little snack, I went home.

*Tuesday Morning*

I went to school like usual and didn't even reveal mystery guy.

"Emily!" Lily shouted as she jumped on me.

"Girl, calm down" I said as I tried to put her down, keyword- tried. She hung on my neck like a kolabear.

"Lily, you really are a little child" Shawn said rolling his eyes

"I am not!" Lily exclaimed angrily

"Hmmm... I don't believe you" Shawn said casually.

"Whatever, you are annoying Shawn, go away" Lily said pouting

"Guys, don't fight." Adam said simply as Shawn and Lily immediately listened.

Did I forget to mention Adam has this aura of a King that makes people immediately obey him? Well, even if I forgot to mention, you would have noticed.

"Hey everyone, I am sure you missed me a lot" Nick said with a smirk as he joined us.

"Nah, I am sure we would have been happier if you came later" I said sweetly

"Ouch! Emily, you hurt me" he said pretending as if an arrow was shot at him while I rolled my eyes

"Hey guys, everyone seems happy" Ivans said happily as he joined us.

"Hey" Rocha said as she casually walked to us.

We greeted them back.

"Hi, I brought some cake for all of you" Dexter said as he came towards us with a bag in his hand

"Cake! Yes" Lily said as she let go of me, jumped towards Dexter, and took the cake from him.

I guess cake is one thing that can distract Lily from me.

I chuckled at the thought and smiled.

"Hey, it is for everyone. Don't finish it!" Ivans exclaimed concerned

"Of course I won't finish it, I am going to share it with Emily" Lily said as she stuck out her tongue.

"You see how selfish you are?" Shawn said

"I am not selfish, I am sharing it with Emily" Lily said as she glared at Shawn

"B-but I brought it for everyone" Dexter said shyly

"No, it is for Emily and I" Lily said childishly

"Come on, don't steal Emily from us" Nick said playfully

"Lily, share the cake with everyone" Adam said normally

"Of course Adam, I will share it with everyone. That is what I wanted to do anyway" Lily said with a smile.

"What?! You think we would believe you. Are you kidding me? You even said it was only for you and Emily. No need to star-" Shawn was saying before Adam looked at him.

"Forget what I said" Shawn coughed nervously as he looked away

"Yay, cake" Ivans said joyfully as we shared the cake among us before going to class.

Well, this is an average day in school. For now, I will just behave normally with mystery guy until my suspicions are confirmed.

I really want to know if I am right, but for now.... let's have a normal time.

I chuckled internally at the show that I am expecting.

A/N: I know you guys expected me to tell you who mystery guy is. It will be revealed soon anyway. Enjoy your day, bye.

Her Secret Identity: Mystery GuyWhere stories live. Discover now