Chapter 2

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It had been nearly a month and a week since I started looking for her. The week was slowly coming to an end and I refused to give up, I had barely begun after all. She was, after all, the love of my life. I knew she wouldn't be the same seventeen year old girl I'd fallen in love with, she was now a thirty-four year old woman. There were so many things I wondered. Did she have anymore kids? Did she fall in love with someone else and marry them? Did she have sex with anyone else? There were just too many 'did she' questions that needed to be answered. I felt like a damn psychopath. Even when she started becoming bitter, Alana had no flaws. She was perfect, the mother of my only child, breathtaking. I loved her with ever fiber of my being and I didn't let prison ruin my feelings for her. She would always be perfect, always innocent, no matter how bitter.

I sighed and walked into another diner and walked up to a worker, "Hi, um, do you have a second or two?"

"Sure, darlin'!" She drawled in a very southern accent. Definitely not a local. "Anything for a handsome man like you. Whatcha need help with, handsome? An easy fix? It'll cost you though." She winked and bit her lip in, what she thought, an attempt at seduction. Her body pressed up against mine, her breath fanning my face. I backed up.

I rolled my eyes, "No, I'm looking for someone. A woman. I was hoping you or someone you work with would've seen her." I took the picture I had of her out of my pocket, it was one she gave my mom about a year ago, and showed it to the waitress.

She frowned, "I started workin' last week. If anyone here has seen your lady friend, it would be Trisha. Wait right here and I'll go get her." She turned and saunter off. Poor kid, working at a diner must not be enough for college and had to turn to being a halfway prostitute, working and fucking.

She came back with a heftier woman, "You need help, buddy?"

I nodded eagerly, "I'm looking for my ex girlfriend. It's a looong story, but I'm trying to find her as soon as possible." I held up the picture for a good minute before realizing it was upside down. "S-sorry."

She studied the photo, her eyes squinting. "Yeah, I know her, she worked here when she was still really young. She moved a few cities over. It'll probably be a three days drive east. She said she was going to West Fairview, I think. She said some guy was making her move."

"Thanks, Trisha! I owe you. How about the best thing on the menu and a nice tip for your help?" I smiled graciously at her, relaxed now that I had a general direction in which I could really start looking.

Trisha laughed heartily and beckoned me to a booth. "In my opinion, the St. Louie burger is the best. It has the works with mushrooms, jalapeños, and chili cheese sauce. Sounds gross, tastes amazing." She stated completely from memory and with a smile. She knew how to amaze customers.

"I'll take it and a milkshake of your choosing!" I replied with a happy smile. I was going to find my gir - woman and win her back! Determination burned like a never ending fire in my veins. I needed her to know how much I love and need her, that the only thing keeping me from going insane was her.

I ate in grateful silence and gave her a two hundred dollar tip. Before she could even see it, I left. I hoped she would be happy about the tip and her coworker wouldn't see it and take it. I felt like Trisha deserved it from how she helped me. She helped me find her.

As she predicted it took me three days to get to West Fairview, not because it was far away, because traffic was an absolute nightmare around East City and Rosadon. They were big cities and traffic was backed up twenty miles away from the city, and there were so many accidents so people were rubber necking which made it take even longer. It was hell but she was worth it. I only slept for a few hours in West city and in a town just outside of Rosadon because I wanted to get to her as soon as possible. What if he hit her? I would kill him if he did! She doesn't deserve such cruel treatment. She was an angel and deserved to be treated with the utmost care and respect, the softest touch, and the warmest embrace.

When I finally reached West Fairview, it was close to midnight. Our babies birthday was a few weeks ago, should I get her something? Hell, I didn't even know what she liked. That's a nope on the gift. Did she even want to know me? Oh god, what if she hates my guts for not being there? I took a deep breath to calm myself down. Once I explained she would understand. Maybe her mother already told he about me. I could only hope she did. I just wanted to be with them.

I found a motel, ate, showered, changed, and tried to sleep only to find it eluded me. I was so close to finding them and it was keeping me awake. I groaned and rolled onto my stomach. "I just wanna fuckin' sleep! Is that so damn bad?"

Eventually I fell asleep, the sun had already started coming up though. When I woke up it was dark. Better now or never. I started at the nearest fast food joint and worked my way closer to inner city and down town. Finally, I had a lead! Some girl who claimed to have babysat our daughter. She was a pretty young blonde, belly swollen with child, and her name was Lindsy. For the first time in a long time, I felt hope. "So you know where they live? Could you give me the address?"

"Yeah, sure, no problem. Just don't mention my name. Me and Alana don't have the best understanding." She mumbled as she wrote down the address. I didn't care what she had to say, I was giddy with excitement. My family was only three blocks away!

"Thanks, Lindsy! Congratulations on the baby!" I called as I walked away.

"Congratulations my ass." I heard her mutter quietly before getting back to work.

I sped quickly yet safely to their house, thinking solely of them. I pulled up outside and I saw lights on. That was a good sign. I ran up the porch stairs and knocked on the door. Minutes ticked by before someone answered. A teenage girl with red-streaked black hair. She looked so much like Alana. I barely heard he when she first spoke.

"My name is Alexander Connelly, is Alana here?" I asked politely in hopes that the door wouldn't get slammed in my face.

"She's out of town visiting my Uncle Ben." She replied cautiously before her eyes got big. When she spoke it was a breathy whisper. "Dad?"

Somehow I ended up in the living room. I was in shock at how much our daughter looked like her, and the fact that she actually let me in while she called her mom. I finally found them. I sent my mom a text saying that I found them. When she came down she awkwardly asked if I was her dad and I confirmed. I was shocked at how much anger she held because she didn't know if I wanted her not. So I went on to explain that I did want her and why I pushed them away. We talked a bit longer before I noticed how uncomfortable she was and we finished on an awkward note after being told to come for dinner and I left.

I plopped down on my bed, shock still coursing in my veins. I found them, I actually found them! My phone rang and I answered. "Hello?"

"Alexander, sweetheart, I got your text. You sure it's them?" My mother asked, she sounded exhausted and, well, sick. I could tell she was stifling a cough.

"I'm sure. Mom, I talked to my daughter." My voice was thickening from the emotions I felt. I talked to the girl I never got a chance to hold or take care of. "She's so beautiful, looks just like her mom."

My mom laughed, "I know, she's the spitting image of her. What's her name?"


"That's beautiful." She sounded happy. Her end was silent for awhile. When she came back, she sighed heavily. "I'll call you in the morning, Roy's making me take my meds."

"Alright, mom, I'll talk to you later. Love you." She muttered an 'I love you too' before we hung up. Hopefully I would have my full family again soon.

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