Chapter 8

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I watched her naked form as she slept. She looked peaceful like this. I still wanted to unleash my hunger on her, but I would still respect her decision to wait. It was hard, especially when she looked this enticing. She was my greatest craving and waiting only made me hungrier for her.

I closed my eyes but all I could see was Alana when we had sex on the couch downstairs. I felt like such a teenager. All the hormones and dirty thoughts. I thought I was past this stage of life. But she felt so good. Tight, warm, and soaking wet. She had shown me how much she craved me while I was away and she had lost her control, something that Alana wasn't known for. If she could lose control, I could stay on control. It would be hard, but I could do it. I would do it for her.

Dreams of Alana haunted me as I slept and her warmth radiated into my soul when I woke. She was still asleep as I slid out of bed and snuck downstairs. Hopefully she would be hungry when she woke up. I thought as I cooked enough to feed an army.

Eggs, toast, pancakes, bacon, sausage, and fruits covered the tabled by the time I was done. I hoped and prayed that she liked it, even though I did go a bit overboard.

"What's all this for?" Alexandra asked.

I jumped, startled by her sudden appearance, "Uh, just wanted to surprise your mom. She deserves it. Want any?"

"No thanks, I'm meeting up with some friends for a study session and I'm already late." She shrugged and left.

Kids actually study on Saturdays now?

I shook my head and decided to email my mom while I waited.

Hey mom,

Me again. How are things going? That guy still treating you right? I haven't heard from you in awhile and I'm starting to worry. I'll try to visit soon.

You'd love Alexandra. She's so smart and takes after her mom a lot. Even going to be valedictorian. I can't believe I helped create something so wonderful, it just doesn't feel possible.

Write me back soon


I sighed and pressed send. It wasn't like her to not message me, I hoped her health wasn't declining too rapidly. I hoped she'd be able to see me marry Alana. It wasn't long before my email notification chimed.

Hi honey,

I'm sorry I haven't written in awhile, I haven't had much energy these past few weeks because of the chemo. It's absolutely hell but he's still treating me very well. Try not to worry too much about my health. The doctor told me that the tumor had shown some noticeable shrinkage so that's always good.

I'm glad she's something you can be proud of but don't down talk yourself too much. You were a smart boy, you just got tangled in the wrong stuff. It happens, you're not less of a good person because of the past. The government might think so, but we don't.

Now, stop staring at the damn computer screen and enjoy the day with your fiancé.

-love mom

I chuckled softly and closed the laptop only to see Alana standing in the doorway. "Hey, babe. I made breakfast."

"No, you made a feast." She joked. "What were you reading?"

I shrugged, "A message from my mom. She's a bossy butt even in her emails."

Alana's face fell, "How's her treatment going? Should we go visit her?"

"The doctor said her tumor shrunk. It's not much but it's a sign that the chemo is working. I planned on visiting her next weekend if you want to come."

She nodded quickly, "Of course, I'll let my boss know."

"Don't even think about doing that right now, Alana, eat first." I said sternly as her hand hovered over her cell phone. I watched as she swallowed, her thighs ever so slightly rub together, her cheeks flushed. Someone liked my stern voice.

"F-Fine, I'll call after breakfast and then I'm yours for the rest of the day."

She was so flustered, it was quite adorable to watch as she peeked at me through her dark eyelashes. I can honestly say that I wouldn't know what to do without her, if she hadn't decided to take me back and become my fiancé. My love for her was more pure than the fucking pope himself. She would be my queen and I'd never let her feel bad because of me again, she deserved that at least. I'd make her feel as important as she is to me.

"What are you thinking of?"

"You." I smiled.

She frowned, "Nothing bad I hope, you looked very far away."

"Nothing bad, I promise." I held my hand over my heart to show my sincerity. "All things good, always. You're my lady."

She giggled, "Your lady? Are we in high school again?"

"Oh yeah," I joked, "It's senior year all over again, completely and totally in high school."

She laughed and it felt so good to hear that sound and see it again. I missed this, and now that I have it, I might just be ok after all. This was my family, we were together, the love of my life accepted my proposal. I was way more than ok, but I couldn't help but feel like something was off. My gut kept twisting in knots. No, something was definitely going to happen, I just wish I knew when it would happen or how to stop it.

Before I realized I had zoned out on the world, Alana's lips were pressed firmly against mine. It was a very pleasant surprise for me. I pulled her onto my lap and kissed her back hungrily. Her soft moan filled my ears like sweet music.

She slowly pulled away from me. "I know I said I wanted to wait and all, but I'm tired of waiting. I need you now, baby."

"God, I've been dying to hear you say that." I growled as I picked her up. I carried her up the stairs, "Sleeping next to you while you're naked has been complete torture."

"I'm sorry, darling, but I had to I wanted to see who would break first."

I laughed darkly, smirking, "Didn't really work in your favor did it?"

"Nope. Now, be rough with me, I'm tired of waiting."

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