Chapter 11

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Today was the day. Today was the day I would finally be marrying the love of my life. I adjusted my bowtie in the mirror and gave myself a quick once over before nodding. "Think she'll like it?"

"She likes you. You're in a tux on the most important day of her life, which she will also like, and you don't look half bad." Ben replied. "I would say don't overdo the booze on your honeymoon but..."

"Ha-ha, very funny." I snorted.

A knock sounded at the door before Ashley walked in. "Okay you two, it's time for you both to head over to the church. Alana's almost ready, she looks stunning."

"She always looks stunning." I muttered quietly.

A small smile danced across Ashley's lips, "Boy, just you wait!"

Thankfully the drive to the church wasn't a long one. Some of the guests were beginning to congregate in the parking lot. Ben and I managed to sneak by undetected. We weren't sure as to why we were the one's sneaking, but we were. I guess neither of us really wanted to converse with the guests.

I stood at the alter with the priest, soon the wedding would start and I'd finally see my beloved after a week. I didn't know it was even possible for me to feel butterflies, but as the organist struck up the tune to "The Bridal March" I couldn't help but feel nervous.

The bridesmaids and groomsmen paved the entrance, followed by a very tiny flower girl and an equally tiny ring bearer. Finally, it was time for me to see my gorgeous wife to be. When I finally caught sight of her I lost my breath. Ashley was way off, Alana wasn't stunning. She looked like a goddess. Absolutely breathtaking and divine. Her dress hugged her figure but managed to hide her tiny baby bump. Her hair hung in soft, silky curls over her shoulder and her blue eyes were electric. Full of love and fear. Both of those feelings were felt mutually.

The pastor began the wedding speech and before long we were exchanging vows and rings and the kiss. God, it felt so good to feel her lips again.

Our family and friends clapped as we walked hand in hand down the isle. I caught a glimpse of my frail mothers teary eyed face. She looked so proud and happy. I was so glad that she was here to see me !marry the love of my life.

Once we were in the car, we drove to the Hampstead Hotel for the reception. The ballroom was cleverly decorated with lace and crystals. Fairy lights twinkled overhead as I gauged Alana's reaction. Her eyes were filled with awe. "Alex, this is exactly how I dreamed my wedding day would be like. How on Earth did you manage to pull this off?"

"Don't you worry about that, my dear, it was easier and more affordable than what you're thinking." I promised her, "Plus, I'd honestly do anything to make you happy so it's even more worth it."

She stared at all our guests, silent tears threatening to spill from her eyes. "Oh, Alex! This is so amazing."

I smiled happily at her, "I'm so glad I can give you this, baby."

She turned and smiled at me, "I'm so glad I'm yours."

I smiled and kissed her forehead tenderly. My beloved wife was so wonderfully distracting I almost didn't notice that my mother had started a toast.

Tapping gingerly on the microphone, my mother managed to elegantly capture everyone's attention. "Hello everyone, I'm the mother of the groom and I'd like to say just a few words to honor the newlyweds." She started, "First off, Alex, I'm so insanely proud of how far you've come and, Alana, I'm so glad you could look past my son's past mistakes and still love him for who he is. I hope you two cherish the years ahead, as well as the moments you have with my grandchildren - no matter how difficult.

"You two have come along way, a good bit of it together, and I couldn't be more proud." She paused to smile, her eyes tearing up, "I just want to wish you both everlasting joy and grace in your marriage."

I smiled and held a very teary eyed Alana close to me. My mother's speech moved me in so many ways. All I've ever wanted was to do something that would make her proud of me and I finally have. Now I would continue making her proud by treating my wife like the queen she is.

As the announcer announced that it was time for our first dance as a couple, I grabbed Alana's hand and gently pulled her to the dance floor. We swayed together in a graceful display of what little dancing we knew how to do. A soft giggle escaped her lips before she whispered, "I bet we look so ridiculous right now!"

I chuckled, "Please, we look bad ass. No one seems to really be paying attention other than my mom, your sister, and the photographer."

"Yeah, I don't see why so many people showed up if they were just going to stuff their face and not enjoy the moment." She sighed, clearly bothered by the rudeness of our guests.

"Yeah, that's what we get for feeding them, I suppose. Oh well, I guess we'll just have to get payback at their weddings." I winked at her, hoping to cheer her up a little from her sudden sadness.

She smiled faintly, mischief dancing in her eyes, "You're right! See how they like being treated like this on their big day."

"That's my girl!" I smiled brightly at her.

Once the song was over, I led her over to our seats. We ate in pleasant silence, Alana taking extra caution to make sure she didn't soil her dress, as our guests talked among themselves. A few people came up and congratulated us as a standard pleasantry.

Before long it was time for our sendoff, which was actually very pleasant. We were so glad to be away from everyone. Alone and naked in each other's arms. The lingerie she chose for this was beyond sexy on her. Hopefully I didn't tear it too bad taking it off of her because I would not mind seeing that again! This was the perfect end to an incredible day.

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