Thirteen | Roman

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"Hey Virgil," I say quietly.

"Hm?" He hums, still staring into my eyes. His are such a beautiful dark brown, almost black.

"Can I kiss you?" Virgil blinks a few times and then nods slowly. I smile, bringing him towards me. Both of our eyes close as I lean down and our lips meet. It doesn't last long and it's sloppy, but it's sweet and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I wouldn't trade this moment for anything. I lean my forehead against his and can't help the giggle that escapes or the big smile that's on my face. He opens his eyes and smiles back.

"I liked that." He mumbles.

"Hm me too. Hey Virge?"


"Can I do it again?"

"You're such a dork." He says, placing both of his hands on my face and pulling me down to meet his lips. My eyes close and I melt into his touch. This kiss is longer, but just as inexperienced and sweet. He pulls away then leans up and quickly pecks my lips again. I grin into his touch.

"I don't know Stormcloud, I think we might need more practice with that." I smirk and he hits my shoulder lightly.

"Shut up." He mumbles, wrapping his arms around me and resting his head on my chest.

A few minutes pass and I realize I probably have to go. I don't want to. I don't want to leave Virgil, the thought of doing that places such a heavy feeling in my chest, but I have to go get ready.

"Hey Virge," I say quietly. "I have to go..."

"No, stay with me." He mumbles, clutching onto my shirt.

"It's a short show."

"But it doesn't start for half an hour."

"Forty-five minutes isn't too long. You'll survive... Come on." I grab his hand and lead him away from the lake and back towards the stage. "I'll be back soon." I press a kiss on his forehead, then his left cheek, his right, his nose, and finally on his mouth. He giggles the whole way through, eyes squeezed shut, grin on his face. "Patton and Logan should be here soon. Will you be okay on your own?" He nods his head.

"Bye Princey."

"Bye Stormcloud." I reluctantly walk off and pass Patton and Logan on my way backstage.

"Patton!" Patt giggles.


"Patt I kissed him!" Patton's eyes light up and he squeals.

"Ahhh Ro that's so awesome. Does he know!" I look down at my ring, although I appreciate the bright yellow, I wish it was glowing.

"I guess not yet."

"Awe well it can't be too much longer."

"Yeah you're right." I watch the yellow color disappear from the ring, being replaced with purple-fear. "Shit," I mumble. "Patton I have to go."

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know yet," I yell back as I make my way to where I last saw Virgil.

"Virge!" I yell as I make my way to him. He's sitting on a bench, hood up, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Virgil, hey I'm here. I'm right here." He looks up at me, immediately wrapping his arms around me. I rub his back and keep repeating that it's going to be okay even though I don't know what's wrong.

"I'm-I'm sorry."

"Shhh don't apologize mi amor. You've done nothing. What happened?"

"I saw...I saw someone and...I'm so sorry." A sob escapes him and I pull him closer to me, utterly confused but needing to comfort my soulmate.

"You're safe. I promise I'm not going to let anything happen to you, okay?" He nods into my chest.

"O-okay." The stutter in his voice breaks my heart. I have to go. I know I have to, but I can't leave him. Not like this. "Y-you should go. You're already late."

"You're more important." He shakes his head.

"I'm fine, please go. Besides," he sits up and points to Patton and Logan who are approaching us, the former with a concerned expression. "I have them."

"You sure you'll be okay?"

"I promise." He smiles.

"Okay." Before I can overthink it I kiss him again. This one is slow and sweet and is over all too quickly for my liking. Unlike our previous sloppy kisses, this kiss is worthy of the silver screen. "Bye Virge." I say against his lips.

"Bye Ro." I wave goodbye to Patton and Logan, offering them a small smile and then rush backstage.

"You're late." Joan, our director, says. They're really good friends with Thomas.

"I know. I'm so sorry. My soulmate was having a panic attack." He nods in understanding and Thomas rushes over.

"Is Virgil okay?"

"Yeah Virgil's fi-wait how did you...?" Thomas just laughs.

"I saw you two in the kitchen that day. It was pretty obvious."

"Not to Virgil." I mumble. Thomas offers me a small smile.

"He'll get there." I nod.

"Hopefully soon. Anyways I have to go get ready."

"Okay, break a leg Roman."

"You too." I smile at Thomas and then head back to costumes. I'm so nervous about messing up in front of Virgil, but I decide not to worry about that right now. After I get dressed I get my makeup done and then get my mic hooked up. I chat with my friend Talyn for a little bit while I wait for 5 o'clock. Before I know it, Joan is introducing the show and the curtain is going up.

912 Words

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