One | Roman

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When you turn five years old you are given a ring. A soulmate ring. It's not known to the general population how the rings work, but they do.

When I was younger and first got my ring I was fascinated by it. My soulmate was a typically happy person, but the ring always had small stripes of orange, a very bright orange. Then one day the yellow disappeared. Purple and orange for days until it became blue, black, and light blue. For days those colors. I watched, constantly looking for a hint of yellow, but nothing. Now my ring's black and blue. The same colors it's been now for ten years. Occasionally there's something else, green, orange, or purple. But most of the time all my soulmate feels is pain and sadness. I haven't seen my ring turn yellow in over ten years.

"Roman Prince!" I hear a yell from downstairs.

"I'm awake!" I hold up the blue shirt again and decide on the red one with a white jacket, black jeans, and my checkered vans. I run down the stairs with my bookbag slung around my shoulder. I grab an apple and give my dad Remy a small hug.

"Have a good day!"

"You too! Bye dad!" I head out the door while simultaneously putting my earbuds in. I take a bite out of my apple and walk to school to the beat of Alexander Hamilton. I take another bite of my apple and look at my ring in the process. I frown seeing the prominent blue with stripes of orange. At least there's no black today.

"Hiya Ro!" My best friend Patton says cheerfully as I walk into the building.

"Hey Patt!" He gives me a small hug and then we head towards my locker. His boyfriend, Logan, is already there.

"Hey Logan." Patton and I open our lockers.

"Greetings Roman." I grab my chemistry book and close my locker.

"Errr e-excuse me?" All of us turn to look at the person who spoke. He's short. That's the first thing I notice. I take in his combat boots and decide he'd probably be about an inch shorter without them. The second thing is his plum colored hair, dark at the ends. It suits him. He's wearing an oversized denim jacket over a black My Chemical Romance tshirt. His ripped, black skinny jeans hug his legs. Okay so he's really cute. His hand twists his ring around his finger as he looks up at Patton. Of course Patton is who he approached. Patt looks like a ray of sunshine.

"Hi! I'm Patton!" The boy sends us a small smile.

"Virgil. I'm new, can you tell me where the office is?"

"Roman'll show ya! Won't you Ro?" Patton smiles up at me innocently.

"Uh sure, it's on my way to chem." I refocus my attention on the b-Virgil. He seems really anxious. "Alright, I'll see you guys at lunch then. Come on Virgil." We start walking down the hallway. "So what class do you have first?"

"Um chemistry I think, Mr. Gardner."

"Okay cool, me too. Well here we are." I gesture to the office. "I'll wait for you. We can walk to class together." He smiles at me and nods. After a few minutes he's back.

"I can now confirm that I do in fact have chemistry first." He holds out the piece of paper and I laugh.

"Come on, Gardner's right down the hall." I lead Virgil into B102. "Mrs. Gardner!" I announce with a big smile as I enter the room.

"Mr. Prince!" She smiles back at me. "Oh! You must be Virgil!" Virgil waves at her. I watch her eyes examine the both of us. "Roman you are in need of a lab partner and seeing as you two are already acquainted. You can stay at the same table."

"Sure thing Mrs. G, come on Virgil." Before Virgil there was an uneven number of people, so one person didn't have a partner. That one person was me. I always got to work in a group of three. I glance over at Virgil. But something tells me I'm not going to mind being his partner. I glance down at my ring. Orange with blue and white stripes.

"So Virgil where are you from?" He looks down and plays with his fingers in his lap.

"Um I was born in Orlando." I gasp.

"So close to Disney!" A small smile creeps onto his face.

"Yeah close to Disney."

"Have you ever been? Why did you move!"

"Once when I was 6. My parents never had a lot of money, but it was all I wanted for my birthday. And I've moved around a lot." The tone in his voice gives me the idea that he doesn't want to talk about it, so I don't pry.

"I've never been even though we only live like two hours away." I say, pouting. He smiles.

"You'll get there. I take it you're a big Disney fan?"

"Very big Disney fan." I laugh and he smiles at me.

"Roman I hope the new partner isn't going to be an issue." I smile shyly at her.

"Sorry Mrs. G." She rolls her eyes. "As I was saying."

876 Words

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