I missed You

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I was Robin You was Batman

was saucer You was cup

was fork You was spoon

But You was gone too soon.

was forcing myself to sleep

too tired to weep

Just as when closed my eyes

My mom's face came flashing.

saw You sitting wearing blue

Your hair curly You looked so new

never ever saw You smile like that

 You is happy living now with God.

Mom, I missed You so much

Living without You sucks

missed the days when You would nag

When I was so slow getting up.

Mom missed our bonding

Countless times in the hospital staying

Going to clinic for Your check up

Waiting outside taking a nap.

Remeber Mom we became hopeless

Finding  cure for Your illness

You ran into this faith healer

Taking synthetic medicines You surrender

Remember those times You cry at the hospital

Because there's only You and I 

No one was there to visit You

You even thought was mad at You

badly missed those times

When there is still You and I

How wished for it to stay

Coz now Mom, it's only me, myself and I

That day You die

There's only You and I

Until now asked myself why

Why there's only You and I

Why not die when your sisters came?

Why held your last breath when it's only seeing

Until now the memory of it is fresh

How You take a nap that put You rest.

cannot forget Your faraway look

Taking the medicine You forcefully took

That very second turned away and cried

Coz knew You're too tired.

promised You I won't cry when You die

But that's a big lie

It's been years yet is still crying

Because You she is still missing.

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