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The flushing of cheeks,

erratic heart beats

Butterflies fluttering in the stomach

and all the cliches that lead me into a conclusion that I am in love.


 they said is an intense feeling of deep affection

and then I thought was My Unknown's definition.

My Unknown?

 It was a puzzling feeling

A longing that I myself could not define

I craved for his attention and hated it at the same time.

Here goes another cliche

The more you hate. The more you love

A classic proverbial hearsay.

Baffled and hopeless for My Unknown to be defined

and so I grabbed LOVE when it came to my mind

Yay! I'm in love, that's what I really thought

But confusion went on and clarity, my mind still sought.

Spent my free days on a mini soul searching

To find My Unknown's real meaning

The quest was on to find My Unknown.

It was grueling and was so full of denial

In love? Oh yes, I am!But there's a shocking twist

The truth of My Unknown which I almost missed.

I am in love, not with the person

But with the feeling of being in love.

A/N: Just playing with my thoughts. I hope I did not sound so defensive :). 


9:03 pm

Lines, Phrases and RhymesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon