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The bomb that exploded way back when she was ten

Its shrapnel  is burried deep in her brain

Its sound hasn't left her eversince

Somehow it took half of her innocence.

At such young she was told to get rid of it

But she hid it instead

She's one hardheaded girl

She hides her weakness behind her hair.

The world turns,

Countdown started

She's still hardheaded

The clock sets at ten

She reached the dead end.

There's no way for escape

She tied herself tight with the tape

No way she could cut the vine

It clung on her, they're entwined.

It is her curse and blessing

Her source of strength to continue living

It is her hide away

When she wanted to go astray.

It is her reminder to go YOLO

At the same time, to say NO

It is her reminder she has her own limits

And that she should live life limitless.

It was the knife that cut her deep

The scar she couldn't keep

It was the tears from her eyes constantly fell

The blessing that brought her hell.


That feeling......Deep sigh...

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