I Will Be Walking

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Jessica's P.O.V.

"So I am going to put this casserole in the fridge," I tell Olivia when we walk into the Firehouse. "Okay," she shrugs, walking towards the lockers. I walk into the living area where everyone is, double-checking that she isn't coming back.

"Okay, guys listen up!" I grab their attention, "I don't have a lot of time" I keep peeking to make sure Olivia is nowhere in sight, especially because of her excellent hearing.

"What's going on Jess?" Cruz questions, "what is going on is that Olivia's 28th is in a few days" I inform them, "and we all know how she kind of nearly died" I remind them, "so I want to make sure she has the best birthday to make up for everything she has been through" I state.

"Whatever you need" Hermann offers.

"Thank you much appreciated" I reply, "because I was thinking Molly's for the party," I say, "sounds good" he nods.

"What do you need us to do?" Cruz asks.

"Nothing I will handle everything" I assure them, "I just need you guys to show up," I tell them, "of course we will be there" Gabby speaks for them all, everyone nods in agreement. "Also, don't say happy birthday to her until the party, I want her to feel like we forgot" I explain "and make sure to not tell her" I instruct them.

"Don't tell who what?" Olivia walks up behind me, "oh about that" I turn trying to think of an excuse. "Just tell her Jess" Cruz calls out, I look over confused at what he is trying to do. "It's not a big deal that you and I are dating" he smirks.

I send him one last glare before plastering a smile and turning back to Olivia.

"I didn't know how to tell you" I play along, "you and Cruz?" She questions, "it's not that hard to believe," Cruz says, slightly offended. "It's not that" Olivia defends, "I just don't know where this is coming from" she adds, "neither did we" Cruz walks up behind me, wrapping his arm around me.

He is enjoying this too much.

"We started talking when I was here the day of the tornado and it just blossomed from there" I lie.

"Okay well," she pauses to think of something to say, "congrats to you" she replies, I can tell she is not completely buying it so I have to do something.

"Yup congrats to us" I grab Cruz's face, pulling him down to meet me as I place my lips on his, giving him the most passionate kiss I can do at this moment in time.

I pull back, leaving Cruz and Olivia speechless.

"Okay" Olivia believes it now, "I just need my bag" I completely forget that I am holding onto her bag, "yeah of course" I hand it to her. "I will be right back" she winks before walking off.

"Woah" Cruz comments, "what was that?" He tries to lean in again.

"Acting" I nudge him off me, "do not get excited we are not actually dating" I remind him. "I already have a girlfriend" I state, "and a boyfriend" I remember, "and another girlfriend" I continue, "huh, maybe I should get another boyfriend to make it even," I think, Cruz smiles at the prospect.

"Not talking about you" I reply as he frowns, "but you are in the running," I say and his smile returns. He walks back to his seat, high-fiving the guys.

I roll my eyes, guess they never really grow up.

"Okay back to the party" I bring the topic back up, "she can't know a thing" I add, "and also she doesn't want me to tell you this" I can't stop myself from being such a gossip.

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