A Taste of Panama City

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I make my way into the locker room, happy that's it looks empty until I spot Severide going through what looks like an internal debate.

Just because we had one good conversation, I am not going to be stupid enough to assume we are friends.

I leave him to his own devices before starting to get changed into my uniform.

Packing my stuff away, I notice the burn cream that Severide gave to me at the bottom of my locker.

I should probably give it back.

Picking it up, I make my way over to the other side of the lockers.

"Here you are" I hand it to him, he looks at me confused before remembering, "thanks" he takes it from me, his eyes focusing on my bandaged wrist.

I don't think anything about it, I just walk into the living area, Severide not too far behind me.

"Hey Olivia" Brett greets me as I walk in, "you don't mind if I call you Olivia, right?" She double checks with me.

"You can call me anything you want as long as it's not candidate" I comment, making my way to the kitchen to start cooking for the firehouse.

The luxurious life of a candidate.

"What happened to your hand?" Brett asks, I notice Severide listening in on the conversation, trying to see how I am going to explain it.

"Oh I was cooking last night and burnt myself on the grill" I shrug it off as Severide fails to hide his smirk.

"Isn't it ironic that we run into burning buildings every shift but we are more likely to get injured doing regular, mundane tasks" Otis joins the conversation.

"That's the beauty of the job I guess" I shrug, grabbing some ingredients to make some pancakes for everyone.

"What's on the menu today chef?" Otis asks, helping me out again.

"Well my sous chef, I was thinking of redeeming myself by making some pancakes" I respond.

"Good idea" Mouch calls from his usual seat.

"Alright guys listen up" I am in the middle of cracking an egg when Casey and Dawson walk in, holding hands.

They are together? I swear he is her boss.

How does that work?

"We have something to tell you guys" Casey announces as everyone gives them their undivided attention.

"I'm pregnant" Dawson announces and the room erupts in cheers and applause as they all attack Dawson with hugs and congratulate Casey.

I clap and cheer from behind the stove, knowing that me going over and hugging them would be way too awkward.

I have barely said one word to Dawson apart from hello.

But I am over joyed for them.

"Hey remember people" Hermann starts, "the outside world is on a need-to-know basis" he states.

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