All Hard Parts

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*One Week Later*

"I will check on you after shift," Kelly says, "you don't need to keep checking on me. I will be fine," I reply. "I know but I still want to," he states, "okay fine," I give up, "but please stay focused on the job. Nothing good happens when a lieutenant is distracted," I point out. 

"I can still do my job" he assures me, "worry about yourself only" he adds. 

I can't help but worry about him.

"Jess, I will call you for updates" he adds as Jess walks in with a coffee, not sure about what is going on. 

"Okay" she shrugs, "alright I will see you later" he goes to leave.

"Wait, Kelly!" I call him back and he is quick to return. 

"Since I am here" I gesture to my hospital room, "I need you to keep an eye on Chilli" I request, "Olivia I said to-" he starts, "worry about only myself I know" I wave it off, "but I can't do that" I admit. 

"I will keep an eye on Chilli" he assures me before leaving. 

"You guys make me want to barf" Jess sits down, sipping her coffee, "I thought you want us together?" I question. "I do want you together" she flips through a magazine, "but you aren't which disgusts me" she teases. 

"You know you can go to work too?" I point out. 

"And leave you all by yourself, what kind of best friend would I be?" She continues flipping her magazine. 

"She is not alone, she has me" Mom walks in with the wet towel I had asked her for. "That makes me more worried" Jess replies, "Hey!" Mom exclaims, "I can take care of my daughter" she cleans my face. 

"Like the time you took care of us when we had the flu" Jess brings up and I laugh at the memory. 

"I was a new mother," Mom defends, "we were 14" I point out, "and your brother had just been born so therefore I was indeed a new mother" she argues. 

Fair enough, can't counter that. 

"Now tell me all about you and Kelly" Mom winks at me, "I see you have been talking to Jess" I roll my eyes. "Or she has eyes and can see that he is completely head over heels for you" Jess shrugs, "he is not head over heels" I deny. 

"Oh, honey you can't really believe that" Mpm chimes in, "you guys only see one side of him" I mention, "most important side" Jess chimes in, "but I see all of him" I counter. 

"What does that mean?" Mom asks.

"He doesn't believe in monogamy," I tell them, "he doesn't believe in marriage" I state. "And you know all this how?" Jess asks, "I overheard him talking to Mouch and I asked him" I answer, "he can change his mind" Mom suggests.

"You didn't hear him" I shake my head, "monogamy isn't for him but it's for me" I add, "and as much as Jesse hurt me, I still want to get married" I admit, "so friends is all we can be" I sigh.

They realise this conversation is bumming me out so they drop it.

"Well I was looking at houses on Wayfield" Mom changes the topic, "oh Wayfield is so expensive" Jess comments, "yeah but it is a good school zone for Henry" she replies. 

(A/N: I am not from Chicago so I am making up the names of streets and other places).

"Wait? Wayfield is in Chicago" I point out, "I know" she nods, "are you moving to Chicago?" I question. "Absolutely" Mom answers, "mom you don't have to pack up yours and Henry's life because of me" I feel guilty.

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