Chapter 12

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It's already late so everyone in the place was quiet, both Kyojuro and I were sitting in the rooftop while waiting for a demon to arrive. Sanemi-san and Gyomie-san didn't even show themselves so I'm happy to be alone with Kyojuro. Wait, what am I thingking? Geez, also my heart is in doki doki mode now.

Now that I'm wearing my uniform right now, it's comfortable for me to move around. It will be worst if I'm wearing a kimono while fighting a demon, yeah I maybe fight one while wearing a kimono but this situation is different. Like Sanemi-san said, we don't know if we will face an upper moon demon or lower moon demon. My eyes widened when suddenly Kyojuro jump towards me before pulling me and jumping down.

The roof that we are standing exploded and my eyes saw a demon standing on it. Kyojuro then slowly placed me down, I keep on thingking some useless stuff that's why I didn't sens the demon. I'm still amazed at Kyojuro's relflexes it was  so fast.

" Wow, I never thought you manage to  save her, how did you found out?" A voice of a man said while jumping down, both Kyojuro and I prepared for a fight stance. A demon was infront of us, and it was an upper  moon, a powerful demon. A demon which pillars can'tfight and kill alone.

" Y/N, prepare to run we can't just fig-" Kyojuro was cut off when another demon appeared and kicked him. I hurriedly swinged my sword to the demon but it avoided my attack before dashing towards Kyojuro. I heard the Upper moon demon chuckle making me face him.

" I'm happy that one of the lower moon demons came with me. And like I said they push him away from you." He said while smirking, what will I do? Avoid him like Sanemi-san told me to do or fight  him and slow him down before helping Kyojuro. But still he is an upper moon, and worse number two is written in his eyes. I already know that avoiding him is also dangerous, who knows what will he do to.

" Before I'll eat you, let me play for a while." He said with a creepy voice before swingin his fan, a sharp ice then appeared making me jump backwards and avoid it. I really have one option to do, fight him till Sanemi-san and Gyomie-san will come. I pulled my sword before spinning my body towards him.

" Breath of Water, Second form: Water Wheel." I forcely swinged my sword but I clicked my tounge when I saw him blocked my attack making me back away. But I didn't stopped and used another strong attack.
" Sixth form: Whirlpool." I swinged my sowrd for the second time as a wall of ice appeared but I broke it. I smirked before aiming my sword to his neck, but I got stopped when he fastly grabbed my neck tightly.

I grunt softly while struggeling to swing my sword at him. His hand then tightened in my neck making me gasp and started kicking him. I can see his face and he was smiling while staring at me.

" I never thought my first prey in this night is beautiful. It's really a waste to eat you." He said, my eyes widened a little when he started showing tears making me feel irritated. But I can't get free in his grip also it really hurts.

" I said don't fight an upper moon demon, you silly girl!" I heard Sanemi-san's voice as I fell down in the ground making me cough.

" Y/N-sama leave him to us, go and help Kyojuro-kun." Gyomie-san also appeared while tapping my head, I stand up and nod before leaving them. If Kyojuro didn't come then it means he is still fighting that lower demon. I ran faster as much as I could, I feel worried that something might happened to him.

" Breath of Flames, First Form: Sea of Fire." I saw a fast form of flames making me stop, it was too fast for me to catch it but I knew it was Kyojuro. The flames vanished together with a scream of pain, I saw the demon holding his neck but it didn't fell in it's body.

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