Chapter 15

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' Become with the sun and no one will stop you.'

I don't know but I just heard a voice and my body was  fast enough to cut the hair that holding the other girl before I pulled her and jumped away. It feels like my body was possesed by someone but still I'm in my senses. The only thing I'm confused is one breathing was popped in my head. I didn't even heard any breathings called ' sun ' but it just went in to my mind saying that it's my breath so I'll use  it. I then stand up while protecting the girl behind me.

" I don't hate demons but you maked me hate you. Always grabbing the life of humans, when will you stop." I said and started walking towards her, she gritted her teeth while using her demon techniques on me. I swinged my sword to cut it but I widened my eyes when my sword didn't cut it and  my sword was pushed away.

" Ahaha, you can't cut my hair, I already told you I'm lower moon and I'm number six!"  She yelled, I just backed away and didn't said anything. She used an attack again and I avoided it, but I get enough so I clenched my sword.

" Breath of the Sun, Seventh form: Burning bones, Summer sun." I spin my  body and make a circular slash cutting all the her hair as it fell down in the ground. The demon widened her eyes and backed away with a little fear in her face.

" How did you cut it? Despite on having so much wounds." She said, I'm also confused. My wounds stings but my body can still fight, also I used an  attack that I didn't even knew. I didn't even heard any breathings about the sun. Also that voice I heard is a comfortable one, I didn't feel any fear as I heard that.

I dashed towards the demon again making her jump and  her hair started growing more longer as it attacked me. I also jump higher but her hair followed me making me blocked it and avoid some while staying in the air. I knew I keep on avoiding and not even cutting his head already. She is strong and a lower demon but she is not also using her full strenght to me.

Also the things she said while fighting me, that I should give up and go back. And the demon slayers who was sent here didn't died but got injured and  found unconcious. Don't tell me that demon is holding herself, but why? She easily killed young childrens but can't even kill a demon slayers. I shook my head and prepared to attack her.

" Breath of the Sun, fifth Form: Fire wheel!" I spin towards the air while swinging my sword, I'm shocked that the attacked make an explosion making me landed down the ground. When the smoke calmed down I saw the demon kneeling down with her other arm got cut down and she was full of wounds. I stand up and slowly approach her, she raised her head and then smiled gently making me widen my eyes.

" I'm happy that someone can finally kill me, I feel bad in killing lots of children but it's the only way to survive." She gently said as tears rolled down to her face, she then stretched her other hands. " I hope they can forgive me." She continued, my eyes softened while clenching my sword and point at her neck with a smile.

" I'm sure they will, Breath of water, fifth form:  Blessed rain after the drought." I gently cut her head, using this form will not let her feel the pain and will let her die without feeling it either. She just gave up, and I feel bad that she can't do anything but to eat the children for her to survive. I kneeled down and watch her to crumble. I wished she will be born again with a happy life and to not  become a demon.

When she crumbled, I felt my breath tighten making me cough. I forgot that I just used another breath without learning it. That's why I sudddenly coughed, I then panted before standing up. But why did my body is used to the Breath of the Sun? I should asked Oyakata-sama after I get back, I then approach the girl who was crying while holding at her sister's clothes. I kneeled down to reach her height before pulling her into a hug.

" I'm sorry I failed in saving your sister." I whispered while holding her head, she then cried loudly before hugging me back tightly. After letting crying, she started sobbing making me pull away and cupped her face.
" I should leave you now, I bet someone will adopt you." I said with a smile, I feel bad that I can't let her come with me.

I then stand up, as I turn my back I was shocked when she suddenly pulled my haori making me stop. I then tilt my head to look at her, she was looking down but my eyes  widened when she stared at me with determined face.

" Let me come with you neechan! I'll become a demon slayer like you and avange my sister! Please don't let me stay here." I didn't said anything but I  kneeled down and tapped her head. I opened my mouth to talk but I stopped when her eyes was showing me that she really want to become a demon slayer. I sighed and smiled, my eyes  was once  like that, but I guess I can't  do anything.

" Fine, you can come with me." I said, she smiled but then suddenly fell unconcious making me sighed again.  She just fainted for recieving so much shock when her sister died. I then carried her in my back while started walking, I then ordered Kai to report something to Oyakata-sama, too many questions to ask again.

I arrived at the estate and first I let my wound get treated first. Of course Shinobu started nagging at me despite being younger than me. All I can do is say sorry and promsed not to be careless again. Well it's my second time in getting so much injury, also the girl who is with me was still unconcious but Kanae-san told me that she is okay and maybe wake up tomorrow.

I sighed as I stand up to meet Oyakata-sama, well I got my injuries was treated in the Ubuyashiki-estates and I feel bad for Shinobu and Kanae coming just to clean my wounds. Also the young girl was sleeping in my room. When I arrived at Oyakata-sama's room I didn't forget to knock before entering.

" Oya-I mean father?" I then saw him sitting while writing something. He then faced me with a smile on his face.

" What is it Y/N?" He gently asked making me sit infront of him with a smile.

" Did my kasugaigarasu report everything?" I politely asked he nods while  still smiling before grabbing a book below him and giving it to me.

" I'm amazed you can master the Breath of the Sun, and I know you want to ask about it. All I knew is that the breath is one an original breath and was used by the first demon slayer. I don't know his name but all I knew is that person is the only one who can use it. No one can't even use that breath but I'm amazed  you used it. Maybe you're related to the first person who can use that." Oyakata-sama explained, I didn't said anything as I stared at the book about the Breath of the Sun.

It didn't satisfy my questions but as long as I knew about it I'm fine with it. All question that left is, who is the person who first use the breath of the sun? Also I didn't even heard anything about my grandparents or my ancestors. My mother didn't even told me something about them before  she died.

" Thank you father for answering my  questions. Then I will go back to my room." I said and bowed as I stand up.

" Before I forgot, congratulations for becoming a pillar my daugther. Tomorrow we have a pillar meeting." He said with a smile, my eyes widened before happily bowing and thanking him. I then left him and happily walked inside to  my room. I then saw the girl who was still unconcious making me sit beside her and tapped her head.

" You're too young to feel pain, I promise to train you." I said before smiling and laying beside her. Tomorrow I'll be joining the pillars, and finally my promise to Kyojuro was fullfilled.


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