Waking up

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You awoke with a light shining into your eyes. Flinching, you held up your hand to shield your eyes. However, when you held it up, you realized that there were two strange bracelets on your wrists. "Huh?," you said to yourself. "Hello, child," you heard a deep voice growl. "W-Who's there," you squeaked helplessly. Suddenly, a figure shrouded in metal emerged from the darkness. Shredder. "Who are you! Where am I?!," you yelped, now panicked. You started to struggle, which made an evil smile slide onto Shredder's face. He pulled out a small device and clicked a button on it. Immediately, a strong shock flooded your body, leaving you not enough air to even squeak out a scream. "I am Shredder. And you are mine," he said as the shocks ceased. A few tears flowed down your cheeks as he stuck pin with a Foot Clan symbol to your shirt.

You awoke atop a New York City rooftop, tied to a telephone pole. "What the heck," you whispered to yourself. You tried with all your might to free yourself, but stopped as your eyes fixed on something climbing onto the roof. The giant spider. "Who are you! What am I doing here! Dadddyyyy!," you screamed. The spider just chuckled and walked over to you. "I'm Spider Bites little girl! Now shut up!," he screamed back. Shocked, you closed your mouth. He chuckled again. "You see, your daddy hasn't been very nice to me." "Well he isn't really nice to anyone," you replied with a shrug. The spider brushed off your comment. "Well you see, to get revenge on his wrongdoings to me, I am going to be not so nice to you," he said. Your eyes widened. "Ha! Nothing hurts my feelings! I'm indestructible," you said triumphantly. He just smiled. "We'll see about that." You didn't know it, but this guy was good at pinpointing weaknesses. It wouldn't be long until he finds yours.

You awoke tied to a table, all alone in a laboratory kind of room. With barely enough strength to move your arms and a piercing pain still jabbing into your back, all you could do was lay there and allow tears to roll down your face. You were confused and scared and most of all, helpless. Suddenly, the lab doors blasted open and a bunch of robots stood before you. "Is Kraang ready to begin experimentation on life form known as (Y/n)," one asked another. The other nodded and began untying you. "Stop! Stop! Leave me alone!," you screeched. The robot looked unamused and then roughly put a hand on your back. Your wound began to sting and pain suddenly flowed through every muscle in your tiny body. "Ahhhh!," you screamed as more tears violently cascaded from your eyes. You only lost more strength and allowed to the robots to take you. Take you to whatever horrible fate they had planned. Hurry daddy.

Your eyes shot open and you stood up quickly. Bad idea. Your head started to spin and you stumbled back down do the ground. "Look who's awake," came a voice from the shadows. As your blurring vision cleared, you saw that you were in a warehouse of some sort. "Who's there?," you squeaked. "Well at least she's not loud," came another voice. You frowned. "Who's there!!," you repeated, this time screaming. "Jeez! Shut the hell up!," a man emerged from the darkness and pinned you to a wall, holding a small knife to your throat. "Lemme g-go. P-Please," you said, your voice retreating back to a simple squeak. The man released you and turned around, only to swing and hurl the knife at your arm this time. It sliced open your skin, making you fall to the ground as you writhed in pain. Two other men emerged from the darkness now, each with a mischievous smile on their face. "This is gonna be fun," one of them said with a laugh. You could only cry as you held your bleeding arm tightly, hoping that help would come soon. If it was even coming.

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