When you meet his family

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Leo cautiousy walked into the lair. He was afraid of what Master Splinter might say about you, of course. He looked around and saw Mikey playing video games. "Hey Mikey, where is everybody?," Leo whispered to him. Mikey swung around and spotted you. "Dude is that a baby?!," he exclaimed. Leo shushed him, but everyone heard Mikey's outburst anyway. They all rushed in and their jaws dropped. "Leonardo. Why have you brought a baby into the lair?," Master Splinter asked, raising an eyebrow. Leo set you down on the couch. You didn't want to leave the comfort of his arms, so you reached up your arms and started to whine. Leo shrugged and picked you back up. "She was left alone in an alleyway. I didn't have the heart to leave her there," he said as you fell back to sleep in his arms. Master Splinter smiled. "Compassion is a valuable quality that all leaders should have. She may stay with us," he said. Raph just groaned and walked away. Donnie returned to his lab after flashing a smile at Leo. Mikey ran over and started poking your nose, making you wake up. "Leave her alone, Mikey," Leo hissed at him as he noticed that Mikey's poking was irritating you. Mikey backed away and returned to his video game. You snuggled up to Leo and closed your eyes again. "Wanna watch some Space Heroes?," he asked you. You just made a little baby noise in your sleep. "I'll take that as a yes, huh (Y/n)?," he said with a smile. 


Raph kept looking down at you as he walked into the lair. You were fast asleep, still gripping his red bandana strap. He smirked as he thought of how strong your grip was for a baby. He entered the lair and looked around. Everyone must already be in bed. He shrugged and headed for his room. Suddenly, he heard the sound of his  older brother's voice. "What is that?," Leo asked him. Raph turned around to show you to Leo. He gasped. "Why do you have a baby?!," he yelped. "Shhh! Shut up Leo you'll wake her up!," Raph yelled back. You, obviously, woke up because of the yelling and started to cry. "Look what you did," Raph said to Leo. Leo made a face and everyone rushed in. "Is Donnie crying about April again," Mikey groaned. "Mikey!," Donnie yelped. Master Splinter's eyes widened. "Raphael. What is-," he started, but stopped when he saw Raphael gently rocking you in a desperate attempt to make you stop crying. "*Sigh* she can stay," he said. Raphael's face lit up. "Thanks Master Splinter. Now I don't want any of you shell-for-brains bothering her, understand?," he said. His brothers nodded and walked back into their rooms. Raph carried you into his room and gently placed you in Spike's old bed. You snuggled into a comfortable position and fell asleep again. Raph smiled and climbed into his bed. "Welcome to the family, (Y/n)," he said, choosing you new name.


Donnie carried you into his lab to check you out and make sure that the Kraang didn't hurt you. You were fine. Donnie smiled and sighed with relief. He picked you back up and sat at his computer, planning to search up some baby names. However, he was interrupted when Master Splinter walked in. "Dona- Is that a baby?," he said. Donnie chuckled nervously and turned his chair around, revealing you to his sensei. "The Kraang were messing with her. I just had to save her! Please let her stay here! I'll take care of her! I'll figure out everything I have to do for her!," Donnie pleaded. Master Splinter chuckled. "Of course, Donatello. But you will have to introduce her to your brothers, first," he replied. Donnie smiled, cradled you, and rushed into the living room. "Look guys! A baby!," he yelled. You giggled. Leo, Raph, and Mikey ran to  Donnie and stared at you. "Master Splinter said she can stay so now she's part of our family! (Y/n), meet your uncles," he said. "(Y/n)?,"  Raph asked. "Yeah, that's her name," Donnie replied. Mikey tickled your stomach. "Aw yeah! Uncle Mikey's the favorite!," Mikey said happily as you giggled and squirmed. Donnie, feeling a little jealous, pulled you away from Mikey's reach and turned away. You grabbed Donnie's bandana strap and observed it. "I see I have a curious one on my hands, huh?," he said happily. You smiled at the sound of his voice and continued playing.


"Guys!!!," Mikey yelled as he entered the lair, "Guys look I found a baby!" At the word 'baby' his brothers rushed out of the training room. "Mikey! Where the heck did you get a baby?!," Raph yelled at his brother. His outburst scared you and you started to cry. "Nice goin' Raph," Leo said sarcastically. Mikey tickled your nose, making you stop crying and curiousy grab his finger. "Shh its ok baby its ok," Mikey cooed. 'Mikey, why do you have a BABY!," Donnie said, obviously panicked. "Found her. And now she's family so don't try to make me get rid of her," Mikey said, protectively holding you closer. Master Splinter walked in. "Master Splinter I-," Mikey started, but Master Splinter interrupted him. "I do not want to know. She can stay just as long as you can take care of her," he said calmly. Mikey smiled and rushed away from his starstruck brothers. He brought you to his room and set you down on the floor. You started to crawl around, making Mikey giggle. "I'll call you...PIZZA! Wait no. (Y/n)!," he yelped with joy. You giggled as you crawled back to him. He picked you up and kissed your nose. "I can't wait till' your old enough to eat PIZZA!," he said happily.

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