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You walked down the dark sewers, in search of your toy weapon. It was late and your dad was out on a mission. "Come onnnnn," you whined. Suddenly, you felt something under your foot. Smiling, you reached down, expecting it to be your toy fan. However, you gasped as you felt sharp metal slice your hand. "Ahhh!," you yelled, jerking backwards. As your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you saw a fully armored female standing in front of you. "You're comin with me," she sneered as she grabbed you by the waist. You squirmed and punched at her stomach frantically. "Lemme go! Lemme go!," you screamed. She just smirked at you, then held a smoke emitting device in front of your face. You tried to hold your breath, but after awhile gave into your body's desperate desire for air. You inhaled, and blacked out immediately afterwards.

You felt like...well a you quietly opened a manhole cover. It was against Master Splinter's rules to leave the lair, but you had a mission to fulfill. Raph's mutation day was coming up, and you had to buy him a present. Holding a five dollar bill you'd found in the sewers close to your heart, you jumped out and looked around. You smirked and began walking to a nearby dollar store. However, you froze as you heard a voice snarl at you from behind. "Hey little girl! What are you doing!" You turned around slowly, and found yourself face to face with a giant spider! "Oh my...," you muttered, but trailed off as you fainted and fell onto the hard concrete. The spider just chuckled and picked up your small unconscious body, planning a horrible fate for you already.

You ran around the sewers with your dad, in search of Kraang parts. However, you had taken a wrong turn and were now lost in a maze of tunnels. "Daddy!!," you yelped. No response. Suddenly, you heard a robotic murmur. It sounded fairly close, and it was getting closer. You backed into a corner, scared to death. "D-Daddy," you whispered. A band of robots emerged and you immediately started to run. Bad idea. You then felt a sharp, burning pain in your back, and fell to the ground. You writhed in pain, tears flowing from your eyes. "The one known as the Kraang has captured the one who is known as the daughter of the one known as Donatello," one robot said as he hovered over you. You closed your eyes as the pain spread, and passed out not long after.

You watched as your beloved daddy left for another mission. He waved to you with a small smile and left for the surface. Sniffling, you looked up at the manhole cover. It was slightly open. Without thinking, you pushed it fully open and climbed out. You had to follow your dad to make sure he was going to be ok. As you searched for them, you hardly realized that you were subconsciously heading for an alley. An alley dominated by Purple Dragons. "What are you doin out so late, girl," one of them said in a whisper. You spun around and your mouth gaped. As he spotted the orange bandana (Mikey's spare one) wrapped around your arm, he realized who you were. "Knock her out guys. She belongs to the ninja turtles," he said with a smile. You suddenly felt something blunt strike your head, and everything went black.

His Baby Girl: TMNT Daughter Scenarios (Temporarily Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now