Midnight Frights

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You tossed and turned in your bed. You'd been sleeping in your own room for a long time now, but you still got scared every now and again. But it wasn't because of the dark this time. It was because of a nightmare.

You walked alone through the sewers, scared out of your mind. You whimpered as the darkness seemed to close around you. Then, you heard something. "D-Daddy," you squeaked. Nothing replied. You wanted to run the other way, but your feet carried you forward. You started to shake with fear as you approached the dark corner from which the sound originated. Suddenly, a hand fell limp from the corner, dropping a blood stained katana. You screamed, and woke up.

You sat up quickly and began crying your eyes out. You covered your face with your hands as you tried to calm yourself. But you knew you wouldn't calm down unless you saw your daddy, alive. You crawled out of bed and steadied your shaky legs. You tip toed down the dark hallway, which reminded you of the dream. You kept crying until you made it to Leo's room. You saw him sleeping soundly, and you smiled with relief. Looking back into the dark hallway made fear rise in you, so you knew there was only one thing to do. You quietly climbed into Leo's bed and snuggled next to him. Just as you fell asleep, he woke up. "(Y/n)?," he whispered. No reply. He cocked an eyebrow with confusion, but then noticed your tear stained cheeks. He sighed and wrapped an arm around you, figuring he'd ask you about it in the morning.

You were asleep on the couch. Raph had been asleep with you, but he'd woken up with the urge to train several minutes ago. So, you were sprawled out onto the couch comfortably. Suddenly, a nightmare crept into your dream, causing you to shrink into a little ball with fear.

You were walking around the lair. It was pitch black. So dark that you couldn't see your own hand in front of you. "H-Hello?," you squeaked. You heard some grunts of distress nearby, and your legs automatically darted to them. "I-Is someone there?," you said softly. Your foot suddenly rolled over something. It felt like a sai. "(Y-Y/n)," the voice said. It sounded like...Raph! "Daddy?!," you squealed. You could see now, as if you were given night vision. However, you wished that you couldn't. Your dad was in front of you, bleeding profusely and turning pale. "I...I love you," he said weakly. Tears flowed down your cheeks. "Who did this?! Who did this?!," you yelped, almost angrily. He let out a 'last' breath, and you woke up.

"Daddy!!," you screamed, falling off the couch. You were shaking and crying as you got up and ran to the dojo. Without explanation, you quickly wrapped Raph in a hug and squeezed him tight. "I love you! I love you! I'll never let them get you!," you cried. His eyes widened with confusion, but he accepted your hug. "Sweetie, I'm ok. What happened?," he asked as you released him from the hug. You sniffled and wiped your nose on your sleeve. "I had a really messed up dream," you said softly. "About m-me?," Raph said, shocked that you dreamed about him getting hurt. "Y-Yeah. But I won't let anyone get ya! You're my daddy! I have to learn to fight! I'll never let anyone-!," you yelled, getting a little frantic. You stopped when Raph wrapped you in another hug. You just cried on his shoulder as he squeezed you a little tighter. To be honest, he didn't know you loved him that much.

You were working with your dad in the lab, simply doodling while he experimented with different chemicals. "Sweetheart, pay attention. I want you to learn how to do this," Donnie said, quickly poking your nose. You giggled and began watching him work. However, you fell asleep sitting up a few moments later. Drifting into dreamland, you soon realized that you weren't in a dream. You were in a nightmare.

Coughing as smoke filled your lungs, you frantically looked around the lair. Flames surrounded you, but you desperately searched for your family and ignored your own pain. "Daddy! Dad!," you screamed as strongly as your burning lungs would allow. "(Y/n)!," you heard Donnie call from the lab. He was trapped behind a wall of fire. "Daddy! I'll save you!," you said as you tried to get to him. "No! Get to the surface! Go!," he yelled in reply. You started to cry. "B-But dad-," you whispered. "Go! N-now!," he screamed to you. You turned and ran, crying hysterically. Suddenly, you heard a crash. You looked back only to see that the ceiling had caved, and the lab was destroyed...with Donnie in it. "Daddy!," you screamed.

You awoke with a jump, and Donnie wasn't there. Panicked, you got up and raced around the lair. "Daddy?!," you yelped. "I'm in the bathroom, honey," you heard your dad reply. You sighed with relief and rushed to the bathroom. You saw Donnie cleaning a burn on his arm. "What happened?!," you shrieked with a gasp. "It's just a little chemical burn," he said with a slight giggle at your concern. "D-Does it hurt," you asked as a tear fell from your eye. Donnie looked at you, confused yet worried. "No no it's ok. Why are you crying, sweetie?," he asked as he knelt down next to you. Without responding, you just wrapped him in a hug. "I love you, daddy," you said quietly.

You slept comfortably on top of Mikey's shell. Both of you were exhausted after training so you decided to take a midday nap. You curled into a fetal position as the chill of a nightmare made its way into your mind.

You were watching TV merrily. However, your daddy and your uncles had just gone to the surface for an important mission. Worry started to flood your thoughts and you rocked back and forth. Suddenly, you heard a crash coming from the sewers. "Daddy," you jumped up, "Uncle Raphie? Uncle Leo? Uncle Donnie?" No one replied. You started walking towards the lair exit, but stopped as you saw everyone come in. Everyone but Mikey. "Where's my daddy?," you squeaked as you ran up in front of Leo. They were all bruised and sorrow gleamed in their eyes. "He....didn't make it," uncle Leo said at last. You gasped and tears violently welled up in your eyes. "No! No! No! That's not possible! It's not!," you screamed as you fell to the floor. You hugged your knees and sobbed, thinking of all the things you could never do with your dad anymore.....

You awoke with a gasp, and that woke Mikey up. Immediately, almost automatically, tears started cascading down your cheeks. Mikey was a little freaked out, but he was also heartbroken from seeing his little girl cry. "What's the matter baby cakes?," he asked as he placed a hand on your back. He was still laying down and you still were on his shell, but now you sat up with your knees to your chest. "I-I-I...promise me you won't die the next time you go on a mission!," you yelped, "Or any mission! Just promise me you'll stay alive forever! I n-need you, daddy!" You wrapped him in a hug and continued crying. Mikey's eyes widened and he teared up as well. He hugged you tightly and closed his eyes. "I promise," he whispered softly. "I love y-you."

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