Casey and April

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You hid behind Leo as two new people approached. You were kind of shy so this was obviously uncomfortable for you. Casey chuckled at you. "Is she wearing your old bandana as a bracelet?," he asked. Leo smirked and pet your head. "It's a good luck charm," he replied. You nodded, holding onto Leo's leg for dear life. April kneeled down and looked at you, giving you a warm smile. "She's so adorable," she said. You smiled at the compliment. "I...I like your hair," you squeaked, trying to return a compliment. Leo giggled at you. So did April. "Thanks girly," she said, "Say, does Leo ever let you eat ice cream?" Leo's eyes widened. He was going to let you have sweets when you were older so you'd have a healthy start now. "N-no," you said softly. Casey gasped. "My god Leonardo what kind of monster are you," he said, crossing his arms, "You are depriving this poor child!" You giggled. April jokingly shook her head. "Oh Leo Leo Leo," she sighed. Leo looked nervous as he put his hand on the back of his neck. "Cmon guys," he said. April offered you her hand. "We'll take you to the ice cream," she offered, raising an eyebrow. You smiled and took her hand. "Oh yeah! Baby (Y/n)'s first ice cream!," Casey yelled as him, you, and April rushed out of the lair. Leo stood their, frazzled and shocked. "Wait guys! Uhhh! Take pictures!," he yelped. "We will daddy!," you replied cutely as your voice echoed through the sewers.


Raph and you were training. Well, Raph was doing push ups while you sat on his shell clapping and cheering him on. He chuckled at you. "Thanks baby girl," he said. Suddenly, April and Casey walked in. "Ahh! Weird guy with a hockey stick! Daddy protect me!," you yelped as you latched onto Raph's shell. "Weird guy with a hockey stick?!," April said in a fit of laughter. You still wouldn't let go of Raph's shell as he stood up. You climbed up so that you could whisper in his ear. "And who's the weird yellow lady with the ugly shoes," you whispered. Raph started laughing like crazy and April stopped. "I see she's her father's daughter," April scoffed. "Oh come on she was kidding. Weren't you (Y/n)," Raph asked as you slid off his shell and stood next to him. "N- Oh! Yeah yeah totally kidding," you said with a giggle. Casey walked over to you and kneeled down. He examined you closely, and it was making you mad. So, you punched him in the nose. "Ouch! Damn Raph what are you teaching this kid," he yelped as he fell backwards. Raph high-fived you. "Lots of things Casey. Lots of things," Raph replied. April walked over and fist bumped you. "Thanks (Y/n). You don't know how long I've wanted to do that," she said with a chuckle. "No problem," you said proudly. Casey sat up and smirked at you. "How bout' a truce little Raph in girl form," he said. You looked up at your dad, who nodded at you. You smirked (just like daddy) and fist bumped Casey. "This is going to be the start of a beautiful relationship," April said happily.


You waited for your dad in the lab as he rushed out for a minute. He said that he had someone for you to meet. You sat on his spinning chair, twirling your (h/c) hair and trying to learn to whistle. Suddenly, Donnie came in with April and Casey. You jumped off the chair and backed up a little, feeling kinda shy because they were new people. "Aww. Hey sweetie," April said with a tiny wave. You waved back, then looked at Donnie. "Daddy? Is sh-she your true love?," you asked innocently. Donnie's eyes widened and he started to blush like crazy! "Oh...heh heh...s-sweetheart what would....heh...make you s-say that?," he replied nervously. "I watched a Disney movie with you remember? She looks like Anna! She can be Anna and you can be her Kristoff," you said happily. April blushed, Casey looked annoyed, and Donnie fainted! "Daddy!," you yelped! April giggled and rushed to Donnie's side. "True loves kiss! Kiss him lady!," you yelped. Casey's eyes widened. April gently touched her lips to Donnie's forehead and he woke up startled. "What happened?," he asked. You giggled. "True loves kiss! It worked," you said. Donnie noticed that April was sitting there and realized she'd kissed him. He just nervously laughed, then passed out again! "Another kiss! Go April go!," you instructed. April giggled and went to kiss Donnie again. Casey scoffed. "Ugh. This kid is more trouble than she's worth," he said, crossing his arms with jealousy.


You were learning to skateboard with Mikey. You weren't very good, but you were determined to learn. "There ya go (Y/n)! Just keep your-!," he yelled happily, but stopped when you slipped off the board and landed on your butt. "Ouch!," you yelped. Mikey rushed over and hugged you close. "You ok girly?," he asked, praying that you wouldn't cry. He hated seeing you cry. "Yeah I'm ok. Thank you daddy," you said with a smile returning to your face. He smiled back at you. Suddenly, Casey burst in on his roller skates! "Wooooaaaah!," you said, in awe. He skated circles around you, a smile on his face. Then, he stopped. "Woah! Dude! Awesome! How do you do that?!," you yelled, jumping up and down. He chuckled. "Want me to teach you?," he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yes!," you said happily. He offered you a hand. "Name's Jones. The infamous Casey Jones," he said. You shook his hand with your little hand. Mikey was jealous, now. "(Y/n), baby girl, I thought you wanted to learn skateboarding," he said. "I do! But can I learn what this Casey guy is doing too," you said happily. Mikey looked down. "I...I guess," he said. You ran over and kissed his cheek. "Don't be sad, daddy. You're still the awesomest dude EVER!," you said happily. He smiled at you. "Casey! Come on!," April yelled from the sewers. "Come on little dude, let's go!," Casey said as he picked you up and started skating. "Uncle Casey and (Y/n)! Awaaaaay!," he yelled into the air. "Booyakasha!," you yelled. Mikey stood up and frowned. "I guess I've gotta learn to roller skate?," he said with a shrug.

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