Chapter 3: Day 011

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Nadia: Hello Guzmán... I'm in a bookstore right now

Nadia: And this song came on 🎵

Nadia: [sends voice note]

Nadia: Do you remember it?

Guzmán: Of course I do

Guzmán: It was the song we listened to together on my earphones 😊

Guzmán: Sitting on the school steps

Guzmán: I could never forget that moment

Nadia: Yes... Things felt more simple back then

Nadia: We were more innocent

Guzmán: Yes

Guzmán: We've come a long way since then

Guzmán: But I'm grateful

Guzmán: At that point in time, I wasn't sure if I would ever earn your love

Guzmán: Now I know 💕

Nadia: And back then, I wasn't sure if I could ever trust you

Nadia: We were worlds apart

Nadia: You were still with Lu, and I still felt like an outsider at Las Encinas

Nadia: Funny thing is, now we really are worlds apart, literally

Guzmán: And yet you're still close to my heart

Nadia: You need to stop being sweet

Guzmán: Or else what?

Nadia: Or else I will hop on the next flight to Madrid

Guzmán: I would not oppose to that plan 😉

Guzmán: I'm missing you badly every day, Nadia

Nadia: I miss you too, Guzmán

Nadia: Life here is brand new and full of possibilities

Nadia: And I'm grateful for the opportunity to be here

Nadia: But sometimes I feel like I would trade it all

Nadia: For the comfort of home

Nadia: For you

Guzmán: It's hard being so far from home

Guzmán: You're just homesick and that's normal

Nadia: Yes

Nadia: I called Omar yesterday

Nadia: It was so good to hear his voice

Nadia: I used to find his voice so annoying

Nadia: He would talk so much nonstop

Nadia: And he would sing silly songs in the shower and we could all hear him

Nadia: But now... I would do anything to hear his terrible singing

Nadia: Life is odd

Guzmán: You're right, it's odd that you would miss Omar's singing

Guzmán: It really is terrible

Guzmán: Especially when he tries to rap

Nadia: LOL

Guzmán: I told Ander he should sponsor singing classes for Omar

Nadia: Well, Omar's birthday is coming up...

Guzmán: Yeah Ander has this huge party planned for it

Nadia: How fun!

Guzmán: Expect to see lots of drunken videos and photos on Instagram that night

Nadia: Looking forward to them

Guzmán: By the way, how is Lu?

Guzmán: She sounded very down when I called her the other day

Guzmán: But I think she felt a bit better after I told her some very funny jokes

Nadia: She is sleeping better the past few days

Nadia: And did she tell you? She got a part time job at the Gucci boutique on 5th Avenue

Guzmán: Yes she mentioned

Guzmán: It's a great job for her

Nadia: Definitely

Nadia: Surrounded by beautiful clothes and bags

Guzmán: I hope she'll feel better

Nadia: Me too

Nadia: How are things with you?

Guzmán: All good

Guzmán: I'm waiting for Ander to come over

Guzmán: For movie and beer

Guzmán: Samu and Omar might be joining too

Nadia: Boys' night!

Guzmán: If someone had told me 2 years ago that I would be hanging out with Samu and Omar, I would've called that person crazy

Nadia: How things have changed

Guzmán: That's what tragedies can do, I suppose

Nadia: Something positive came out of something dark and horrible 🌈

Guzmán: Yeah

Nadia: Enjoy your evening

Guzmán: And you have a good day, Nadia

Guzmán: 🤍

Nadia: 🤍

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