Chapter 19: Day 123

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[[ Whatsapp ]]

Guzmán: Nadia, It's been a day and I haven't heard from you

Guzmán: You're making me very worried here

Guzmán: Please call me ASAP

[[ Phone call ]]

- Three hours later: Incoming call from Nadia –

Nadia: Hello, Guzmán...

Guzmán: Nadia! Thank God. I've been worried sick. Are you okay?

Nadia: {clears throat} I'm fine. I just... God, this is so embarrassing.

Guzmán: What is it? You can tell me.

Nadia: Okay well, the night before our video call, I went out partying. With Madelyn, Cora and the rest of the usual gang. We were club hopping and had a lot to drink... And I – I passed out at some point. I can't really remember what happened but Cora said I went to the ladies and was missing for the longest time so she went looking for me and found me out cold in one of the cubicles. The gang had to carry me out. Madelyn's apartment was the nearest one so they brought me there. And I was really out of it so I basically slept the entire day. I should've called you earlier. But I literally just got back home now.

Guzmán: .... Okay.

Nadia: {softly} I'm sorry.

Guzmán: {coldly} It was a dangerous and stupid thing to do. I mean, partying is great and all, but to lose control like that? Nadia, so many bad things could have happened to you.

Nadia: I know. I absolutely regret it... But everything was all right in the end. I was safe, and nothing happened.

Guzmán: Except that you were zonked out for 24 hours in some strange house without any way for anyone to rescue you if something were to have happened.

Nadia: {defensive} Well, Madelyn is a friend. It wasn't like she was some stranger that I had just met at a club...

Guzmán: {humorless chuckle} Have you forgotten? That was exactly how you crossed paths with this girl. That night you went out with Lu.

Nadia: {sighs} Are you mad because I missed our video date? This is why you're acting this way and saying all these things, isn't it?

Guzmán: .... Well, I won't say I was thrilled about that part. It was my birthday, Nadia. I told everyone that I couldn't celebrate with them because I wanted to spend time with you. And I ended up sitting in my room alone like a fucking idiot, waiting for you.

Nadia: I said I was sorry, Guzmán. It wasn't like I did any of this intentionally. What more do you want from me? How do I make you stop hating me?

Guzmán: .... Is this my fault now?

Nadia: Look, I'm still having a pretty bad headache. Maybe I should just go sleep some more.

Guzmán: Yeah I don't really know how to continue this conversation anyway. {exhales} Let's just hang up now.

Nadia: Fine. Bye, Guzmán.

Guzmán: {curtly} Bye, Nadia.

RESCUE // GUZMÁN x NADIA 【 élite 】Where stories live. Discover now