Chapter 24: Day 129

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[[ Phone call ]]

- Incoming call from Nadia -

Guzmán: Hello? Nadia?

Nadia: {softly} Hi Guzmán.

Guzmán: I'm so glad you called. Really, really glad.

Nadia: I'm sorry about everything -

Guzman: No, I'm sorry about everything -

Nadia: Well, I'm sorrier...

Guzmán: No, I'm ten times more sorry.

Nadia: Wait, are we going to fight about this too? {chuckles}

Guzmán: {chuckles along} Let's not. I'm done fighting.

Nadia: Me too.

Guzmán: It's been hell not hearing from you, Nadia. I don't ever want to go through that again.

Nadia: Believe me, it was awful for me as well. I couldn't focus in class. I flunked two tests. It's just been crazy.

Guzmán: {sighs} I hate that I did that to you. I want to do better. I need to do better. For us.

Nadia: You're wonderful, Guzmán. I would never think otherwise, no matter how badly we fight.

Guzmán: {sighs again} No, Nadia. I'm not wonderful. At all. If we're going to patch things up and move forward, then there's something I must tell you first...

Nadia: Sure. What is it?

Guzmán: {swallows} This is hard for me to say, and you have to know that I love you - always. And this doesn't change it...

Nadia: You're making me nervous, Guzmán. Just tell me, okay?

Guzmán: Okay. Here goes... So the night of my birthday, I was fucking miserable because you didn't show up for our video date. I was at home, pouring myself glass after glass of my father's most expensive whisky... And then the doorbell rang. It was Elisa. I had no idea how she even knew where I lived, but yeah. There she was. Wishing me a happy birthday. And wanting to take me out for a celebration.

Nadia: And so you went out with her?

Guzmán: {sighs deeply} Yes. We went to a bar. We had too much to drink. And... we kissed.

Nadia: {sucks in breath loudly} Oh.

Guzmán: Nadia, I swear! It was a stupid mistake and didn't mean anything. I was at my shittiest, lowest point, and she just leaned in... I'm not denying my fault in this whole thing, but please, believe me, I deeply regret it. It's been eating me alive. I was so, so stupid. I betrayed you. I betrayed us.

Nadia: ...

Guzmán: Nadia? Can you say something please?

Nadia: I - I don't know what to say.

Guzmán: Do you hate me?

Nadia: Does it matter? Even if I do, Elisa will just appear and kiss you and make everything better, isn't that so?

Guzmán: God no, Nadia. I don't have any romantic feelings toward her. Please. You're my love. My only love.

Nadia: {coughs} I wish I could believe that.

Guzmán: It's the truth.

Nadia: I think I need to go.

Guzman: No, please. Nadia...

Nadia: I don't know how to talk to you. I can't. I'm going to hang up now.

Guzmán: {chokes} Don't do this. I'll do anything to make this right. Just tell me how.

Nadia: I honestly don't have an answer to that. Goodbye Guzmán.

- Call ended by Nadia -

Guzmán: {sobs} Nadia?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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